IRS Whistleblowers Exposes Shocking Biden Family Scandal! FBI Whistleblowers Coming Soon?

11 months ago

In this critical conversation, IRS whistleblower Gary Shapley highlights the unique circumstances surrounding the Hunter Biden tax probe led by the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Delaware's US Attorney's Office. Over his 14-year tenure at the IRS, Shapley has not witnessed a similar situation. The investigation appeared tailored to favor its subject at every stage.

A significant deviation from protocol was the concealment of data from Hunter Biden's laptop by prosecutors. Delayed responses characterized the DOJ's activities, including conducting interviews, issuing document requests, and implementing search warrants. These warrants, prepared as early as April 2020, were put off until post the November 2020 elections and were left unexecuted.

An investigation into Hunter Biden's WhatsApp messages, backed up on his Apple iCloud, was prevented, despite evidence suggesting his proximity to his father. Citing the potential public backlash of executing a warrant at President Biden's home, Assistant US Attorney Leslie Wolf disallowed the action, even though there was probable cause.

Prosecutors further curtailed the investigation by limiting questions about 'the big guy' or 'dad' during interviews. Prior to the investigation, the Biden transition team had insider knowledge of impending interviews.

Recent testimony by an FBI representative before this committee confirmed that only a single witness was interviewed as a consequence. These circumstances represent only a portion of the difficulties experienced during our investigation.

Shapley's testimony is not driven by political bias but by the necessity for a tax system that instills confidence in its fair and equal application to all, irrespective of surname or political affiliations.

Post the wrap-up of the investigation in 2021, the IRS proposed multiple felony and misdemeanor charges against Hunter Biden for tax-related offenses spanning from 2014 to 2019. Support for these charges came from Delaware's Assistant United States Attorneys and tax evasion trial lawyers, as detailed in Exhibit two of Shapley's interview transcripts.

Despite assurances from Attorney General Garland about the case being isolated from political influence, with all decisions made by Delaware US Attorney David Weiss, the reality differed. Political appointees of the President were allowed to influence the decision on whether to charge the President's son.

After the US Attorney for DC, Mathew Graves, a Biden appointee, declined to press charges in March 2022, US Attorney Weiss revealed to a meeting of senior FBI and IRS officials on October 7, 2022, that he wasn't the final authority on the decision to charge. This was Shapley's breaking point.

Observing a trend of favoritism and obstruction, and now faced with Weiss's admission contradicting the Attorney General's official statement, Shapley felt compelled to break his silence.

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