Blessed Beyond The Curse. (Isaiah 28:27-29)

1 year ago

Ever go through a threshing season where all you can think is, "Man, this s*** sucks! I'm glad YOU'RE in charge ABBA." There was a season in my life where I left that second part out and just focused on the **** until my life was so full of it I couldn't see anything but the "wind and the waves" that threatened to pull me under and back into a place of "wild and waste" till I felt there was nothing left of me and no point to even going on. A "Why bother" mentality because of all the darkness that I had seen, and all the curses I had muttered and focused on. I focused so much on the season that I missed the very idea there in. "A season." Even in the land of hot known as Las Vegas we have three of them. Granted they are hot, wet, and don't go outside, a pigeon just caught on fire but they are still three seasons. So too are the seasons we go through. They may last for a long many 30, 50, even 90 years and they can be good seasons, or rougher seasons. But they pass. Be it a moment of hell or a life time of bliss, the change in season comes. We are not meant to be stagnate though; people are like trees. As they grow and strengthen with each new season, so do we. Some asleep during winter, some growing all year round. We are HIS to plant, HIS to cultivate, HIS garden to grow. The plant life in the garden depends on who's calling the shots as Farmer over our lives.

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