Fake Queensland Consitution

1 year ago

Posted by Wayne Newman on Facebook.
"When you finish cleaning ya Ears Open Your Eyes..
Watch this.. "NO Referendum". What happen to our Constitution since 2001.
This is a Criminal ACT, "Treason", The Australian Constitution needs to hold a Referendum before any changes to the Constitution can be made. (FACT)
All Political Parties that hold office in today's parliament sit in Treason with or Without knowing.
Wikipedia All Referendums Held in Australia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Referendums_in_Australia
https://www.bitchute.com/video/JtRmA26IDdvO/ "

Biblical based common equity ownership rights taken from the people and given to the state
Now look at how sneaky this was done. And beautifully presented, very clever.
It was done by premier (Peter) Beatty.
(screen says; ‘see Beaties 2nd reading; he has removed the seperation of powers judiciary between crown and gov’)
This is what I am going to read to you, from Hansard 9th of November 2001 and it starts off on page 3715.
‘Mr speaker, I move that this bill be now read a second time’, not one bill for the constitution, bills, plural. (?)
Now they’ve done something here that you didn’t know and they didn’t ask you.
‘I move that the bill be read for a second time, today is a historic day for Queensland, it represents a significant milestone of which this parliament can be rightly proud. It is with pleasure that I introduce the constitution of 2001’.
What has happened to our constitution right up before 2001? You weren’t told what they did, I wasn’t told, there was no referendum and they didn’t ask you to do anything.
What they basically do, they sneak off to the printer at night, write it out again and say to the parliament, gee isn’t it a wonderful day, look at our new constitution.
They’ve done a little bit better than that, apart from getting an act through parliament which would give them a right to reprint, yes they got the act through parliament to reprint. But they didn’t get the act through parliament to make changes without a referendum. Without asking the people. And without telling the people. They did not get that right.
Now here he says, this is Beattie speaking; ‘But this act is much more he says, it is fundamental law of Queensland that underpins our system of government.’
The only thing that underpins our system of government was the Magna Carta, that’s what we have, and the laws of the Magna Carta gave you and I the legal right to our land, to our property. They’ve all gone, that’s been taken away in this act of this government.
He says here, this is talking about the new constitution; ‘the entities it provides for include this parliament, the supreme and district courts of this state and the system of local government that we know in Queensland.’
Now this has only come about because of agenda 21, the new world order
‘the office holders under this act include the governor, ‘ the governor is supposed to be under the, with the queen. ‘of Queensland, the ministers of the crown and the judges...’ the judges in the judiciary, the supreme court and the district court – they were to be separate from, a separate power from the legislative council. They are no longer separate.
So what does this mean to the local bloke? You and me in the street? This means that they can make a law, tonight, to change whatever they want, and in the morning when you get out of bed, there’s a law that you were acting on yesterday that’s no longer a law. In the old system it would have taken 6 weeks, 7 weeks, it might have taken 3 months, it might have taken a year to get laws changed. Not any more. With this total power, the same as what Hitler had, they can make a law tonight, it’s enacted tomorrow morning and you don’t even know they did it and they didn’t ask you. That’s the difference in what we are under now.
So even if you were the mayor, you’d have no...
I’m glad you asked that question, because the way they’ve done it, with total power, the CEO of the state government of Queensland is the total power over the judges, over the magistrates, over the police, over the mayor of a town, over the elected councillors, over everything they do. The CEO now has total corporate power over everything they alive (?)...
What’s the point of having council elections if we don’t have any powers anyway, what’s going on there?
Right because as a matter of fact that is why the concillors here on the gold coast said to me the other day, they said; ‘if we don’t do what we’re told we can get the sack.’
Did you believe that? We elect these people to go and do what we want, but that’s not the way it’s happening now. The people that we elected to do what we want, are now doing not only what the state government wants, but what the agenda 21 new world order has told them.
Every one of them has become a mouthpiece.
That’s right. And everybody is now a puppet under this total power, and that’s what it’s done to our way of life. We are on the brink of losing our way of life. We’re on the brink of losing our state, everything that we’ve fought for, everything that we’ve treasured, we’re on the brink of losing it.
Let me show you something here; Beatty’s talking; ’our identity as a sovereign state, the democratic ideals on which our state is built rest on our constitution.’ – not anymore, it rests only on what he says.
‘The introduction of these bills, (plural) gives all of us as members of this house and democratically elected representatives of the people of Queensland the opportunity to reaffirm the democratic ideals that underpin our system of government. It also provides us with an important opportunity to make this fundamental law accessible to its citizens.’
What a load of lies that is. He’s taken away our rights, not given us more rights, he’s taken it away. And it sounded so good that our colleagues and politicians put their hands up and said, ‘ok mr. premier, we’ll vote for it.’
The constitution Queensland 2001 represents the first time in our history...
Now, through the legislation, it will be done through the legislator, ‘before it was done by the legislation, passed by the constitutional act of 1867 by the colonial legislation. More than that, by bringing substantially all our constitutional legislation into the one act, and by presenting it in modern language’ (like that? Sounds good doesn’t it?), ‘this parliament will be making our Consttution more accessible and easier for all to understand.
*Don’t cast your vote until you see this information.*
It’s making sure that you no longer have anything like what our original constitution gave us rights to.
The new world order successfully worded some sort of law that everyone swallowed and they all think it’s a good thing.
Yeah, the new world order is about making every country a republic. Because without making it a republic they can’t bring in their total globalized laws. They have to get rid of the old.
You’ve got to realise that our law, our magna carta, our Westminster system, our judicial system, which is based on the old law of the Bible, the ten commandments laws. That was our common law rights. Now they’ve got to get rid of that they want to bring in the new laws. They can’t do it without either turning us into a republic – because under the constitution that we had from the monarchy, that was our protection. They want to get rid of that, they have to, before they bring in their draconian laws.
I might add, their draconian laws are already in. it’s only a matter of a proclamation as to when they start.
‘The report to parliament by the legal constitutional and administrative review committee (LCARC)’ -that’s their own little body – ‘recommend a new constitution embodying the changes to these protected (entrenched) sections.’
The protected and entrenched sections that they say they’ll have to chuck out and amend, are those sections of the constitution that protected our rights, and they’re the rights that they’ve taken away. Because they have rewritten the constitution to get rid of them.
‘These unauthorised changes were made in the Australia act in 1986.’
Now I’ve put there it must be reversed, that has to be repealed, because those changes that were made in 1986 are not only evil, that is treason. It’s touching on sedition.
The entrenched sections 11A, 11B and 14 have been unlawfully altered by the invalid Australia act, so as to remove the queen’s authority over the governor and make the royal checks and balances ineffective against the excesses and lawlessness of government.
In other words today you can’t charge the government with treason, because they took it out of the books. It’s no longer a section. You can’t say that they’ve done something illegal, because what they do, according to their new laws, is always going to be legal.
So think they’ve got to change the law tonight.
So they can come along, take your land, take your business, do whatever they like.
That’s right. And these changes were made without the people’s consent under section 53.
Now if you go into the original constitution and have a look at section 53, you will find that provided for you and me, always have a referendum before they make any changes to our constitution and they’ve got to tell us what they’re doing. They’ve done both. They don’t tell us and they deny us a referendum. Did you ever hear of a referendum to make these?...

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