1 year ago

#ProphetEbukaObi #ZionPrayerMovementOutreach #Zpmom ZpmomLagos


Deuteronomy 32: 39-41, Isaiah 38:1-5, Isaiah 53:5,

God has many ways of doing different things. Healing and restoration are almost synonymous in spiritual matters. God is the true healer. The Lord suffered great pain and afflictions for our sake. No wonder the scripture says in Isaiah 53:5 that by his stripes we are healed. In James 5:16, it says confess your sins to one another and pray for one another so that you will be healed. Beloved, consider it as important to establish yourself in holiness and righteousness before God. This will help you to establish a good relationship permanently with God, in that way it will make your prayer have a powerful effect before God as contained in James 5:16. In Isaiah 38:1-5, Hezekiah was very ill and the Lord sent Prophet Isaiah to inform him that he will not recover but die. Hezekiah cried to God in prayer and reminded him of three things that he has served him faithfully, loyally and that he had always done what he wanted him to do. Immediately, God heard his prayer and commanded Isaiah to go back and inform him that he will no longer die and that he has increased his span by 15 years. God is faithful to those who are faithful to Him. As God heard Hezekiah, He will hear you. By his wounds, you are healed, restored and favoured in the name of Jesus.


1. Oh Lord, by your power, heal every infirmity in my life, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

2. My father, my father, by your power, heal my land and family by the power in the blood of Jesus, Amen.

3. Lord, by your Mercy, restore me in every area of life in the name of Jesus, by your Mercy, in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

4. Pray for Our Spiritual Director, Evangelist Ebuka Obi and Zion Prayer Movement Outreach.

Brethren pick up your Pray Effective Prayer Book - Page 12.


Almighty God! I remember and stand by the power in your word in Exodus 15:26, "that you are the Lord that heals me". I come before you to be healed of these sicknesses and diseases. There is nothing you cannot do. This sickness has no power over me. I know that healing is children's bread because your word assured me in Psalm 103: 3, "that you for give all my sins and healed all my diseases". Also in Jeremiah 30:17, you promised to restore my health and heal my wounds. You also said in Psalm 107:20, "that you sent forth your word and healed them". On this day, Lord, I hold you by your word! Let it be accomplished in my life today in Jesus name. Amen.

My healing Jesus, in Exodus 23:25; you said, "that you will take away sickness from my life"; in Isaiah 53:4-5, you bore my sickness, sorrows and pains. I decree by your stripes and wounds of 1st Peter 2:24, that I am healed. Amen.

Lord, stretch forth your healing hands and heal me. I know that this sickness and disease will not lead me unto death; but it is for your name to be glorified in my life. Glorify therefore your name in my body in Jesus name. Amen.

Let every form of spiritual and physical sickness in my body, receive fire of the Holy Ghost and dry up in Jesus name. Amen.

I command you sickness in my head; dry up in Jesus name. Amen.
You sickness and disease in my eyes and nose; dry up in Jesus name. Amen.
You sickness and disease in my ears & mouth; dry up in Jesus name. Amen.
You sickness and disease in my neck & chest; dry up in Jesus name. Amen.
You sickness and disease in my hands & legs; dry up in Jesus name. Amen.
You sickness and disease in my stomach; dry up in Jesus name. Amen.

You sickness hidden in any part of my body; cancer, HIV, typhoid, malaria, liver or kidney infection, high blood pressure, rheumatism, arthritis, ulcer, constant pains, injected or projected sickness, etc.

I curse the root and source of all these sicknesses to dry up in Jesus name. Amen.

Your word says if the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead lives in me, he will quicken my mortal body (Romans 8:11). Lord, let my body be quickened by your healing power. I receive divine healing in Jesus name. Amen.

My head, eyes, nose, hands, legs, stomach and every part of my internal and external body, receive divine healing now in Jesus name. Amen.

I claim divine healing in my spirit, soul and body. Amen.
I claim divine healing in my body in the morning. Amen.
I claim divine healing in my body in the day. Amen.
I claim divine healing in my body in the evening and night. Amen.
I claim divine healing in my body from Monday to Sunday. Amen.
I claim divine healing from January to December. Amen.
I claim divine healing as I sleep in Jesus name. Amen.

Lord Jesus, I claim my divine healing by faith in your name. May this healing be permanent in Jesus name. Amen and Amen! Amen.

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