Dr Gaeta Presents an Important New Study on Omega-3 Status and Depression, and What to Do

1 year ago

Summary: Testing your red blood cell Omega-3 Index, and your Omega-6 to Omega-3 ratio, and correcting these as needed with diet and supplementation, can massively reduce your risk of depression.

Opinion: Doing the above can also help people with depression, and improve cognitive health and happiness.

Original study: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165032723008820?via%3Dihub

Where to order the test used in the study - the Omega-3 Index Plus test that everyone should do: https://omegaquant.com/ref/493 - 5% discount code ZWBZLM1G9P click on Shop / Omega-3 Index Plus

Health Professionals: set up your OmegaQuant practitioner account by emailing tavis@omegaquant.com, and mention the Gaeta Institute to receive your Clinician Information Packet.

Where to order the basic daily fish oil Dr Gaeta takes, and recommends for his patients: https://thegaetaclinic.standardprocess.com/products/cod-liver-oil

Where to order the therapeutic fish oil that Dr Gaeta adds to that when the test shows a deficiency: https://thegaetaclinic.standardprocess.com/products/olprima-epa-dha

How to order these if you are in Canada: https://us.fullscript.com/welcome/mgaeta/signup

Omega-3 class on athletic performance, brain injury, cognitive health & healthy aging (live on Aug 4, 2023, or the recording & slides): https://michaelgaeta.com/register/versatility-of-omega-3-for-athletic-performance-and-brain-health/

Schedule an evaluation or health consultation with Dr Gaeta: https://www.michaelgaeta.com/. Go to Clinic / Patients at the top.

Our complete catalog of courses on wholistic health, health freedom, and natural functional medicine: https://michaelgaeta.com/courses/

Functional Medicine Certification Program: https://www.cliniciansmastermind.com/

2023 Colorado Intensive / Retreat for Health Professionals & Staff: https://michaelgaeta.com/intensive/

Questions? Email us at support@michaelgaeta.com

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