At The Foot Of The Cross

1 year ago

Randall Osborn my Christian friend put some words together and we composed some music. All glory to Jesus!
My website
Hear my singing
If you like the song please go there and download
Thanks to Rebecca Torniaire for the animation of the crucifixion scene
send PayPal donation.

Drilled for Me! DA.760

From Christ`s hands and his feet the blood fell down, drop by drop, upon the rock that was drilled for the foot of the cross. The foot of the cross, the foot of the cross, that rock that was drilled for Christ's Cross.

Oh why did he suffer for one such as I? Why was the innocent condemned there to die! And why was I pardoned with a life of choice yes temptation and sin.

The foot of the cross, the foot of the cross,
Oh what power there is for me,
That heavenly blood was shed there for me,
And can be yours today for free.

That rock that was drilled was for you or for me! We deserve the shame the ignominy! But Christ stepped in, where I should have been, and carried that cross for me!

The foot of the cross, the foot of the cross, Oh what power there is for me, that heavenly blood that was shed there for me can be yours today for free!!!
Can be yours today for free!!!

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