Planning Board - 7/18/23

11 months ago

Temple Planning Board
Tuesday July 18th, 2023
7:00 pm, Temple Town Hall

Approval of Draft Minutes
June 6, 2023 Meeting & Forum
June 20, 2023 Meeting

Invitation for Public Comment

7:10 PM Public Hearing for Odell-Middleton Minor Subdivision Application
Map 2A Lot 60
The lot is located on Peterborough Rd in the Rural Residential and Agricultural District and is
owned by the Gertrude M. Odell Revocable Trust and the Julie Barker Middleton Revocable

Old Business (as time allows)
1. InvestNH HOP Grant
a. Steering Committee Update (Pam Kingston/Carter Sartell)
b. Member Resignation - Clay Lennartz
c. Member Appointment – Marie Lennartz
2. Driveway Regulations (Murray)
3. Subdivision Regulations Audit results
4. Site Plan Regulations Audit results
5. Natural Resources Inventory
6. Tax Map Updates
a. GIS Mapping Options
7. NFIP –FEMA Flood Maps

New Business
1. Planning Board CIP member appointment 2023-2024

Other Business
1. Upcoming Webinars & Conferences

No Meeting on August 1st, 2023

Next Planning Board Meeting: Tuesday, August 15th at 7:00pm, Temple
Town Hall

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