Why we should use plant medicine

1 year ago

Over the last hundred years pharmaceutical drugs have become the norm. Plant based medicine that was used for thousands of years has mostly been forgotten. Knowledge of it was removed from textbooks and medical curriculums. Plant-based medicine is no longer taught in medical schools. It’s difficult, if not impossible, to find a doctor willing to recommend any herbal remedies to treat anything. It’s more common to be prescribed something you can’t pronounce after you pay a doctor a visit when feeling sick. Over the last 2 years, there has been an increasing amount of distrust by people regarding medicine that only seems to lead to other health problems. A silent revolution is taking place. Many people were able to end their dependance on many drugs and have become healthier as a result. They understand that putting a band aid on the problem doesn’t fix the problem. The solution is to remain healthy enough to not need pharmaceutical drugs in the first place.
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to live forever? Have you ever known a woman able to work well into her 90s? It is common for an elderly woman in her 80s to prepare an entire feast for over a dozen people herself with no problem. Well, that is very common in many parts of the world where plant-based medicine is common. In the United States where plant-based medicine isn’t common, does our elderly population remain capable or do they become fragile? Unfortunately, most of us know people who are in their 60’s who have both the body and health of someone in their late 80’s or 90’s. Is this a coincidence?
Many people throughout the world use traditional medicine. The truth is that only one thing actually heals us, our own bodies. There are many plants that help us do just that. For the record; I am in no way condemning modern medicine, in fact, most medications have one or more ingredients that consist of medicinal plants. Aspirin comes from Willow Bark. Certain Cancer medication comes from yew trees.
The point is whether you are trying to just relieve symptoms or do you want to heal yourself completely. Most people tend to focus on the symptoms instead of the source. We are all meant to live long and healthy lives. It’s not just about how long you live but rather the quality of the life you live. When we do things the natural way, we tend to live better quality lives. This is why when people switch to 100% organic diets or use plant-based medicine, they swear by it. The reason they feel better is because they are putting natural substances in their body. With people that take herbal medicine, it’s no different. The point is to let your body function the way it's supposed to function.
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