'The Fake Death Industry and the Boston Marathon' - 2013

11 months ago

Published on Jun 18, 2013

"Explores the fake deaths of the Boston Marathon "bombing", by presenting clear and direct evidence. (See "How to Fake Death at the Boston Marathon" for proof of the fake death of the "leading lady" of this charade.) This issue is taking on a new and even greater significance, with the revelation of the NSA massive spying operation against innocent US citizens. Many of the companies involved in 'security' at the Boston Marathon (in other words, setting up the terrorism) have considerable ties to those also doing the spying. No doubt, staging the false-flag bombing was meant to help "justify" the spying - as well as the huge amount of tax payer money they receive for doing it. After watching this, you will never think about the Boston Marathon bombing, FEMA, the FBI, or terrorism the same way again."

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