The $500 Feature Film Series - Part 2: No budget horror

1 year ago

The second part of a series that teaches you how to cast stars, budget, schedule and more. Tom series talks about how to make feature films starting at $500 for documentaries as little at $5,000 for no budget horror. These films are all award-winning features with professional distributors. Tom Seymour creator of VHS Massacre 1&2, Exorcism of Fleete Marish, Land of College Prophets, London Betty and many other films teaches you how. Tom has won over 50 independent filmmaking award and worked for CBS,NBC Universal, IGN and is an ADJ Professor in New York. His film have been everywhere from NBC Universal's, Peacock TV, Netflix to MUBI and Yale University.

This video will examine the 2023 film release "Exorcism of Fleete Marish", winner of six film awards from Cine Paris, The Horror Bowl, Swedish Film Awards, Independent Horror Movie awards and others. Distributed by MVD Entertainment and DirecTV!

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