Accountability Starts With Humility | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | August 16, 2023

10 months ago

Accountability Starts With Humility | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | August 16, 2023

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Hebrews 13:17

One of the last charges in the Book of Hebrews is for the audience to obey and submit to its leaders. In the New Living Translation, this verse states “Obey your spiritual leaders and do what they say.” In a culture that says things like “You do you” and “Be yourself,” there isn’t a lot of room for checking in and having oversight. The sentiment really then becomes “I want accountability on my terms…I really just want others to affirm my decisions.” However, there is no Biblical support for this type of thinking. Sadly it has influenced and affected the church in many ways.

As Hebrews closes, the author reminds us to submit to those in spiritual authority. Pastors, mentors, accountability partners — these are people in our lives who should have spiritual headship over us. They are there to ask tough questions and to allow us to bare what is inside. And that is a good thing. To start this process, we must exhibit humility. It is where accountability begins and when we grasp this, we start on a road to becoming more and more like Christ.

Question for today: Is there someone in my life to whom I am accountable?

Pray: God I pray for people in my life who can ask tough questions and to whom I can be held accountable.

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