0021 Thomas Cross Hoopes

1 year ago

Psalm 139:23-24. Has literally been my life verse. I Recently preached on it, wrote about and talked about it on my podcast. The Lord showed me the importance of living that King David lifestyle, taking time to let the Lord search us and respond accordingly, nearly 20 years ago. 
But it was only in the last few years that he really helped break down what one of the key words in that scripture mean. 
Psalm 139:23-24 NASBS - Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Try me and know my anxious thoughts;
24 And see if there be any HURTFUL way in me,
And lead me in the everlasting way.
That word “Hurtful” means, 
pain, sorrow, idol. 
Jesus Loves to show us blind spots where we have things keeping us from receiving his Love. The same word used here is the same word in the verse

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