Driving from Cape Town to Angola to fish at Flamingo lodge! Over 3000km in three full days!

1 year ago

We started our journey from Cape Town to Flamingo lodge in the south of Angola early the morning. we drove three days from sunrise to sunset. on the way there was lots to see, the beautiful sunsets of Africa is just spectacular. Driving through Namibia to enter Angola is an amazing sight. once in Angola we had to stop at Christ the King or as it is know as well Christ the redeemer. then next was down the amazing Sarah de Leba pass!
Aftter three long days of travelling our fishing adventure finally started with Diffie from Some Thing Fishy. we will be fishing for Garrick, kob and big elf / shad all on lure! the lure fishing makes it so much more fun, exciting and rewarding.

Remember to claim your 5% discount on your trip next years with Diffie, simply contact him via Facebook or instagram and just use Zoo Look or Xander as n reference. Alternatively email me on zoolookfishing@gmail.com and I will get you in contact with Dif.

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email: zoolookfishing@gmail.com


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