Living In The Construction Zone | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | August 7, 2023

10 months ago

Living In The Construction Zone | AS BOLD AS LIONS DEVOTIONAL | August 7, 2023

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And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.  Philippians 1:6

My family and I moved into a new neighborhood a couple years ago and with many new homes going up, the buzz of construction was all around us.  I loved watching empty lots go from bare ground to poured foundations with framework, roofing, and siding.  At any given moment homes were in their beginning stages all the way to nearly completed — with everything in between.  It’s a beautiful thing really; the building of a home.  To see the process unfold and watch the work being done truly is remarkable. 

Of course I couldn’t ponder this process of building a home and not make some connection to our lives, spiritually-speaking.  When a person first comes to Christ, there are similarities to that dirt ground with freshly poured concrete.  It’s raw but a process is starting.  As the walls go up and the house take shape, we begin growing in our faith.  From there, much is happening on the inside that can’t be seen from the occasional passerby.  The fixtures are going in, the plumbing, the electrical and so on.  With further growth in Christ, the construction keeps humming along.  When will the house be complete?  Well, when He calls us heavenward.  But until then, we live in the construction zone and allow Christ to build us up in Him.  He does great work!

Question for today:  This side of eternity, we are works in progress.  What is God teaching me right now that is building my faith and causing this “home” to take shape?

Pray:  Lord, I’m not a finished home but I’m not just dirt on the ground either.  Thank You for the process of molding and shaping me.  I ask that You keep the building plans moving along in Your perfect timing.

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