The Case Against "Manifestation" and How to ACTUALLY Get Results!

11 months ago

You've probably heard about The Law of Attractions and the power of manifestation. There are many people that claim that the thoughts you hold are what attract the things you desire into your life.

But does it really?

Obviously, our thoughts are very powerful and we can achieve almost anything we set our minds to. However, the idea of manifestion is not nearly sufficient to get more out of life!

Does it help?


If you believed with all your heart, it's 100% guaranteed that you will fail!

However, this isn't because you're "manifesting" failure or that The Law of Attraction is working against you. It's much simpler. If you don't believe in yourself, your actions will reflect your lack of belief and/or you'll give up at the first sight of resistance!

THAT'S why failure happens in that example.

On the other hand, it definitely helps when you clearly visualize your goals and believe 100% you will get there. However... if you don't put in the work, you will NEVER actually achieve that goal!

You manifest the life you want through your actions!

After all, they speak louder than words!

So don't get tricked into this lazy mindset that manifestation will help you to achieve your goals. It's a helpful step in the process, but at the end of the day your results in life are determined by the massive action you take and the continuous improvement you make!

And that's enough out of me, go and mani.. err take massive action my friend!

Maikel out!

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