Why Brian Tracy's Eat the Frog Idea Does Not Work!

1 year ago

Ever heard of the "Eat the Frog" idea for more productivity and better time management? This concept was developed and popularized by Brain Tracy, the famous personal development author. The idea is to start your day by "Eating the frog" and doing the most challenging and grueling task as early as possible.

In comparison, the other tasks won't feel as bad after that.

However, does his advice actually work?

The truth is that for a lot of people, Eat the Frog is terrible advice!

For example, I'm a night owl like many people are. In the early morning, I'm definitely not at my best. Make me do my most challenging task at this time means that it won't get done as well as I'm capable of and it's going to take significantly longer.

Eat the frog doesn't work for me because of that reason, and instead I should be doing those more difficult tasks at a time later in my day that is best suited for me.

So, if you shouldn't use Brian Tracy's Eat the Frog idea, what can you do instead?

What works well for me (and other slow starters) is to get started with building momentum early on. I like to start my days by doing the easiest thing on my to-do list. It helps me ease into the workday, but I do get started with my work immediately, that's the crucial part.

The earlier you can start being productive, the easier it is to keep this going throughout the day!

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