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15 seconds

IRS Whistleblowers Ziegler and Shapley Expose Hunter Biden

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  • 0/2000
  • I’m starting to not feel protected by our military. All the wokeness and allowing our Country to be invaded. I can’t believe this is happening.

  • My spidey senses are on high alert with MTG. I’m definitely not a fan. I hope she pulls through…. But I’m not holding my breath.

  • Just wanted to weigh in on the RUMBLE topic. Scott can STFUP about it, since he knows absolutely nothing about the lag, unfollowing, constant unsolicited notifications even after you turn them all off... You are a content creator; they give you different service than the consumers. We have all been biting our tong's about it because its not a bone of contention for us; but when you question our resolve and defend something YOU should be looking into... Reminds me of the youtube days. Go dig on that Scott!

  • It was for office supplies. Hunter was getting his pencil sharpened 🤣

  • I’m not a big country music fan but I actually like that song. I grew up in a small town and he’s not BS-ing.

  • Scott, We don't like you dissing Rumble because that's where we watch you. Rumble took you in when YT kicked you off. Show a little gratitude. When you diss Rumble it feels like you're dissing us. So don't bite the hand that feeds you. The you thumbs up might get better.

  • I heard we send $10,000,000 a day to Israel and they have free college and socialized health care. meanwhile, we got homeless vets all over our country 😡

  • Hi Scott and family

    1 like
  • Hey all! Sorry I’m late

    1 like
  • he upgrades to a button shirt then red pill upgrades to a suit this is funny

    1 like
  • ugh, I wonder why I don't get likes on crumble

    1 like
  • I don't listen to country but that song was 🔥🔥🔥

    1 like
  • Charles Barkley got in a fight with no one.. and lost.🤣

    1 like
  • drinking out of a mason jar becomes addictive. I'm in the Northwest and I think it's because you subconsciously know that it's way better than drinking out of plastic. it's none for us and nothing will Leach into your water from it. Jordan Sather got me drinking from glass only

    1 like
  • Ziegler does not have a husband, as there is no such thing as gay marriage.

    1 like