🇪🇺 EU Votes to Fight Violence Against Women: New Laws & Regulations 🇪🇺

11 months ago

Jointly, LIBE (Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs) and FEMM (Women’s Rights and Gender Equality) Committees vote on EU legislation to fight violence against women and domestic violence. MEPs want a uniform criminal definition of rape based on the absence of consent, for cyber violence to be a crime under EU law (including non-consensual sharing of intimate material), and safer and gender-sensitive procedures for reporting incidents.

Quelle: Copyright by Europäische Union

Media Center Link:https://multimedia.europarl.europa.eu/de/video/combating-violence-against-women-and-domestic-violence-extracts-from-the-vote-statements-by-frances-fitzgerald-epp-ie-and-evin-incir-sd-se-co-rapporteurs-joint-meeting-of-libe-and-femm-committees_I243074

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