Cream cheese crab dip

8 years ago

The best crab dip recipe I've ever made. If you don't know how to make dip, this is probably the easiest appetizer recipe to start with.. It goes good for a regular family dinner, double date or dinner party!

Ok so, if you've ever been to Jack Astors (is that outside Canada?!), you may have had the Lobster and Crab dip. It only takes about 20 minutes and tastes exactly like the the dip at Jack Astors.

All you need is: crab, cream cheese, cheddar cheese, salt, pepper, oregano and parsley!

To start, the best idea would be to warm up one packet (brick) of cream cheese. Heat that up in a pan. Stirring occasionally so it doesn't burn.

NEXT. Add in garlic, parsley, oregano and pepper. Keep on stirring. You can upgrade this dip too by adding bacon, hot peppers, sriracha.. whatever your heart desires!

Once the cheese has melted in and you've stirred in the herbs, time to add a TON of cheese... and I mean a TON. (I didn't say this was healthy). I used probably 3 cups worth of shredded cheddar cheese. Stir that in.. It doesn't have to melt, just mixed in.

Once all thats mixed in, put it in an oven safe pan. Top with MORE cheese and bake at 350 until the cheese is bubbling.

This is something you won't regret. Seriously so good. I don't recommend making it often though.. cause I'm sure it's pretty bad for you. YOLO.

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