How to Supply and Demand - Smart Money Concepts SMC

1 year ago

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Smart Money Concepts better know as SMC is a method of trading that is trying to mimic how large banks and finacial institutions trade. The theory is that the smart money controls the markets and they leave indications or pattern on the price action that show when they are planning to move the price. If you learn smart money concepts you will have a better understanding of how and why the market moves as it doesn aand at certain times of day.

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Understanding Smart Money
Smart money is cash invested or wagered by those considered experienced, well informed, “in the know,” or all three. There is little empirical evidence to support the notion that smart-money investments perform better than non-smart-money investments; however, such influxes of cash influence many speculation methods.

The term “smart money” comes from gamblers who had a deep knowledge of the sport they were betting on or insider knowledge that the public was unable to tap into. The investing world is similar. The populace perceives that the smart money is invested by those with a fuller understanding of the market or information that a regular investor cannot access. As such, the smart money is considered to have a much better chance of success when the trading patterns of institutional investors diverge from retail investors.


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