GiveLife09 Prayer II • Paul Abramson

10 months ago

Love our Father in Heaven, love our neighbors as ourselves, pray for those around us, pray for wisdom, pray for protection from deceptions. Be reverent in prayer. Your actions on Mon-Sat are more important than your words on Sunday. Don't just "talk the talk" but also "walk the walk." (This episode: "GiveLife09 Prayer II" - is the sequel to: "GiveLife03 Prayer") 81 min.

0:02 - Modern world: spiritual & nutritional assaults
0:02 - This is "Prayer II" following "Prayer" in Ep#3
0:02 - Upcoming Episode #10 will be a review
0:03 - Edifying, Educational and Entertaining, I hope!
0:03 - The Bible says, "Pray without ceasing"
0:04 - I Thes., chapter 5 - bullet points on life
0:05 - Humans are made in the Image of God
0:06 - Thank God for character-building trials in life
0:08 - Test teachings with Scripture itself
0:09 - If traditions don't match the Bible: repent!

0:10 - 2,000 years ago the Pharisees trusted traditions
0:11 - God's Commandments are most important
0:13 - Honor your father & mother, Jesus said
0:14 - The Ten Commandments; 17 verses; 3 versions
0:17 - Money should be a tool, not a goal in life
0:18 - I Corinthians 13 teaches us to be loving
0:19 - A believer must be forgiving of others
0:22 - Forgive and ask for forgiveness
0:24 - It takes more strength to admit weakness
0:25 - Some folks are plagued by evil spirits

0:26 - You can pray for protection and bind them
0:27 - "In Jesus Name, get away from me, evil spirit!"
0:28 - Book: "The Beautiful Side of Evil"
0:30 - I've had spells cast onto me in the past
0:32 - A group or even a country can go insane
0:34 - Is your church a cruise ship or a rescue vessel?
0:35 - Do you talk the talk, or do you walk the walk"
0:36 - The sayings & proverbs are from around the world
0:38 - We need to gain maturity and wisdom
0:41 - God wants to give you good gifts

0:42 - The danger of "shadow banning"
0:43 - Insanity in Western Civilization is growing
0:44 - Dreams and implanted thoughts; inspiration
0:46 - There appear to be several types of angels
0:47 - Dictators are chumps, being manipulated
0:48 - America may change for the worse in 2024
0:50 - Please read both Proverbs and Gospel of John
0:52 - Jesus Film; LTB24; The Truth Project
0:54 - Learn that Genesis is scientifically true
0:55 - Exodus 20:11 - All was created in 6 days

0:56 - - is in 100 languages
0:57 - Bill Gothard's -
0:58 - Prayer; Bible Study; Fellowship; Ministry
1:01 - Store up your treasures in Heaven
1:04 - Ask God for forgiveness and for help
1:05 - Ask God to help you be more loving
1:06 - Don't "claim promises" or make "decrees"
1:07 - Don't take God's Name in vain; don't lie
1:08 - Acts 15:25 "It seemed good to us..."
1:11 - For me it seemed logical to start "GiveLife"

1:13 - Where in Scripture does anyone pray to saints?
1:13 - James 5:17a "Elijah was a man ... as we are"
1:14 - Religious traditions are less important
1:14 - The Bible is the standard for truth
1:16 - Christianity will end soon; The Rapture
1:18 - Pop Quiz! Salt has lost its saltiness
1:20 - Prayer; Bible Study; Fellowship; Ministry

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