RS:89 The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time

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I'm chillin.
This series started n RS:79. I'm continuing from where I left off tonight.
I'm also testing out new audio methods for recording and streaming games. Previously, in spite the fact I was wearing a headset, I was listening to the game from the TV instead of through my headset. This is because the audio latency made it very out of sync, by as much as three seconds. With some research, trial and error, and determination, I have gotten the audio and visual recording that goes through my PC to have the same latency as my TV. This means for the first time ever, I don't even have the audio coming out of my TV at all, it's all coming from my PC. This makes it easier for recording audio as well, as I can now listen to the audio levels that make it to the stream and hear myself over the game, allowing me to know what you guys are hearing on the other side. The usefulness of this is hard to understate. As a former sound tech, I was never satisfied with the quality of audio I was producing, and I still think my new headsets mike sounds like ass, but at least now I can get the levels right. At the end of the day, I don't think I'll ever get the kind of professional sound I want without hooking up everything through a soundboard so I can adjust the gain and pitch myself, but that's going to cost money I don't have and would almost necessitate I have a dedicated sound guy, which ain't happening in my living room when I'm playing video games in my pajamas.

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