EEOC In Los Angeles May 28, 2019 at 12:40PM

10 months ago

The Victor of the Temporal War is a Warrior. However, the war is not a physical war but a legal one where our actions in our temporal life have ramifications in the Heavenly Courts. The Victor of the Temporal War was not weighed down by sin, which allowed him to ascend into heaven and lower a “rope ladder” of grace and mercy by pardoning us of our sins. The Temporal War is a Civil War, not a war between sovereign Creators; there is only one Creator. It is a war between Good and Evil, which has always been rigged for Good to win and Evil to lose because Evil is a parasite. Good creates things and allows things to grow and flourish in “win win game”. Evil is a parasite that must steal to survive in a “zero sum game”. The Temporal War is a “Sting Operation” where the Creator can identify His Good crop from the Evil parasites, the wheat from the tares. The Temporal War is a “Stanford Prison Experiment” on a planetary scale where the Enemy has been given the illusion of power as the “Sting Operation” unfolds. The Temporal War is a “Beta Test” to work out all the glitches and defects while removing worms and parasites, so that everything will be perfect for the “Commercial Release” of the “Kingdom of Heaven”. The Temporal War is a supernatural war where the Creator gives His armies supernatural weapons based on the currency of faith. Faith is confidence in the Creator’s promises even when they are not tangibly seen according to Hebrews 11:1. The Enemy tries to use his illusion of power and distractions to diminish your faith and thus your ability to purchase supernatural weapons. The Temporal War is a test of faith where the power of prophecy is proportional to faith according to Romans 12:6. The powerless are powerless because their power is proportional to their faith, and they have no faith. The world is conquered through faith according to 1John 5:4-5. The Temporal War is a “military boot camp” in a “simulated universe” where the Creator’s soldiers are being trained to have more faith and thus become more supernaturally powerful. The “simulated universe” is like a computer program where the spins of particles are bits of information flipped like “switches” by supernatural minds with free will through quantum entanglement. The “switches” we control are like “forks in the road” or junctures between possible timelines for our soul to travel, and our supernatural minds choose the path our soul travels. The “switches” we do not control are like a “coin flip” rigged by the Creator. The Creator has rigged the “coin flips” according to our faith in His promises.

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