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1 year ago

Anybody remember when Prince Phillip said in 1988 that " In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, to contribute something to solving overpopulation." ?

These people are absolute psychopaths who are on record quoting how they’d love kill the majority of us. Yet many of you trust them. Why ? Because you know nothing about them & their dystopian desires for humanity, that’s why.

You were never given the correct information, & the media has made you a useful, trusting servant to your criminal overlords. This is what’s known as Stockholm syndrome. Might wana work on getting rid of that…

HOSEA 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

The absolute truth in the above 👆 scripture is painfully accurate. People only know what they’ve been taught. And the system is working overtime to keep you in a suspended state of ignorance that resembles a deep trance. This ensures that your odds of stumbling upon the truth & doing something about it is minimal. How convenient…

You might want to start vetting the people you trust. I can assure you that the international crime syndicate currently running the world, who want to inject you with their clot shots could care less whether you live or die. In fact, to them, you’d be better off dead.

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