Time for the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office - Military Secrets

1 year ago

Time for the 25th Amendment to remove the President from office as he sends millions of military secrets to Russia's ally in West Africa - Mali. Folks Jack Wagon Joe just made Geraldo's Desert Storm mistake look trivial. Yes, he just sent all of our secrets to Putin by mistake. We don't need anymore accidents like Afghanistan or the Ukraine, its time to kick this warmongering administration out of office period. Then again we are over looking cocaine - so who knows. Perhaps the Whitehouse is just another Crack House as the USA continues to fall before the worlds eyes. Those of US that believe Stand Firm - get ready. How much more damage can big Mike do? Don't ask Joan Rivers because it was the last news she exposed. Your Colonel at the American News Network - Putin just got serious - 701, 820, 749, 812 Ukrainian casualties in different areas of the war today. Odessa and the ports will be demolished by the end of today and the grain deal is off because of the bridge fiasco - compliments of the USA and UK and Putin promises a retaliation. - Rishi, Trudeau, and Joe must have been picked on in school. - It shows.

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