Canada day traffic control idling for 12 hours

1 year ago

Canada day 2023; The smell of diesel was thick in the air, choking people out to operate a few blinking lights while employees sat in air-conditioned cabs. There were THREE traffic control vehicles idling nonstop for 12 hours or more during Canada Day. Previous to Canada Day, in June famous Hockey Canada came to Kamloops for a week while three traffic control vehicles idled for an entire week, 12-16 hours a day for nothing more than a few flashing lights. This is how pathetic and ignorant both The City of Kamloops and the private company paid tens of thousands of dollars to direct traffic really are, brain dead morons in my opinion.

For many years there was NO traffic control that caused chaos for vehicles trying to get past the thousands of pedestrians who'd stream nonstop for hours at public events and hockey games.

Going from one extreme to the next; now they DO have traffic controllers, BUT then for some reason, they feel they need to require flashing lights to caution drivers to be aware of pedestrians. A private company gets paid thousands to be ignorant, to not think or be considerate, some moron manager brain dead to reality figures it's perfectly fine to park three fucking gas-guzzling trucks for nothing more than a flashing light while ignoring the anti-idling bylaws, ignoring the effects of idling on the climate.

question is; wtf can't the city provide traffic control, and set up a few wooden barriers with flashing lights; are they too stupid to figure out how to block off a street, and put up flashing lights to caution drivers to be more aware of the pedestrian? Is the City to self-righteous to be accountable for taxpayer money? Would their world fall in on itself if when planning they consider costs first and foremost in their plans?

In my opinion, the City of Kamloops management are brain-dead inconsiderate morons who really can't think past their 100 grand a year paychecks. I think they believe it's their job and RIGHT to spend as much taxpayer money as possible and do the worst job possible in order to secure their job. They must think [if they think at all] that just bc EVERY government across Canada are unaccountable, never ever lose a job from their incompetence that they MUST be brain-dead idiots, bc if they're not, then other municipalities would have to follow suit, and be accountable and do a good job. I believe the gods of government forbid they try to do a good job and do the right things. so no, as we witness the world getting worse on every level these self-righteous assholes continue to feel they're entitled to do the absolute worst job they possibly can, bc to show an ounce of pride would go against everything the Canadian government has stood for in recent years.

But what's really sad and disheartening is our forefathers and current veterans who fought in other parts of the world to extinguish such ignorance and malice in governments terrorizing people, died and suffered for NOTHING, it was all a lie; again, self-evident by the condition of our own drug crime and homelessness society on the brink of collapse, of our own economy about to collapse and drag millions of people working hard to build Canada down with it, and, of the world environment also on the brink of complete chaos wreaking havoc on every living thing about to starve and displace millions, even billions of people all over the world because of the complete failure of governments and their ability to be accountable for their actions.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely, it's death by a million cuts, a slap in the face and a kick in the balls to taxpayers by the ignorant self-righteous government assholes on all levels.

I pity people with children bc it's this kind of stupidity that has ruined and destroyed the world, there is no future bc of stupidity ignorance, and an unquestioned sense of entitlement of the governments to do wtf ever they feel like with no consideration or accountability for anything or anyone.

The reality is, Half of Canada is on fire, with record droughts and heat records throughout much of Canada and the world, climate change brought on by fossil fuel, by governments subjugated by corporations contaminating and destroying the natural world for nothing more than profits. Its self-evident that the world is in danger, but of course, the government is "above the law" above being accountable, above caring and having a fucking brain and doing the right thing.

And people wonder WHY I get so upset, WHY I fight and act the way I do; BC this world is wrong, and Even though this idling bs is just one small thing, it's another drop in the bucket that is filling up the bucket with injustice, its about to overflow onto the world in a way most people can't comprehend.

Like a captain is accountable to God for the souls on board his ship, government, and every public servant is accountable to God for the souls on board the ship of public office. Ezekiel 33

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