18Jul23 With Captions Janet Yellen on Shrooms; Tucker, Tate, RFK, Peterson on God & Jung

1 year ago

OUTLINE of today's show with TIMECODES
Nobel laureate inQuantum Physics joins CO2 Council to get people to understand CO2 (and sunlight) are vital.  You don't have to be a Nobel prize winner to understand God's design
and how clouds provide shade, reflect the sun, and regulate temperature (2:07)
ClimateGate 3.0: A Decade Later, A Pattern of Deception
What have we learned about "scientism" a decade after ClimateGate 3.0 and 3 years after CovidGate?  The person who leaked ClimateGate emails tells why he/she did it (26:25)
The 15-minute cities and the SMART cities — one to lock you down, the other to surveil you (41:13)
From Janet Yellen having 4 serving of psychedelic mushrooms in China and unable to stop bowing, to AOC (Occasional Cortex) and Dan Crenshaw (One-Eyed McCain) pushing Ecstasy — are we returning to 60s drug culture? (57:05)

Remember when Jim Carey pushed back against vaccine mandates — in 2015?
WATCH him on Larry King… (1:26:09)
New Alzheimer's drug being pushed.  Like Remdesavir, they don't even make a case for it working.   Why do we look to BigPharma and BigBro government to solve all our problems and never consider the cause? (1:33:18)

The documents come out — how CDC openly lied about masks.  Yes, I know, shocking (1:48:26)

FL County GOP says "mRNA is THE Bioweapon"
Don't get distracted by talk about the lab or a virus that targets different ethnic groups. 
This local GOP organization knows what THE issue is — the mRNA jab (1:52:23)

A doctor doing residency, tells of the murder of a baby born after a failed abortion. (1:58:25)

Tucker, Tate, RFK, Peterson: On God & Jung Desc: Why are so many public figures talking about God?  And not just superficially.  What do these influencers think about God? And we end up, somehow, at Ian Fleming's house — "Goldeneye" (2:13:41)

BlackRock CEO cheerleading his Bitcoin ETF.  What's his angle?  Why a derivative of Bitcoin like paper gold and paper silver?  (2:54:22)

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