Gender Reveal Party Turns Into Surprise Proposal

8 years ago

Gender reveal parties have become the new baby showers, with expecting parents throwing such elaborate schemes to show everyone present if they are expecting a boy or a girl! Adult guests usually cheer “boy" or “girl", with the “winning" side celebrating the result like it it a touchdown.

Usually there are colored balloons to reveal the gender, but simpler parties go for colored cake or cupcakes. That way, the party is more budget friendly and everyone gets to eat cake, because come on, who doesn't like cake? The anticipation grows exponentially and the parents-to-be stab the knife in to see what color is it inside, because, usually, the only one who knows the gender is the person who made the cake.

What started out as a gender reveal party for these two young parents, turned into something much more. When the couple sliced the cake open to see what they are having, the cut piece toppled over. Guests are shouting “it's twins"! But something is wrong with that slice, what the heck?

The dad took the matter into his own hands, because he literally poked into the cake and took out a white box. Before mom could gather herself, he was kneeling in front of her, ring in hand, asking her to marry him! Not a dry eye in the room!

Oh, and it's a boy!

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