#BullyWorldOrder We are coming for you.

11 months ago

#AmericanFreefall J6 was the cover-up, the color revolution coup d’état by the globalist communists to overthrow our government and sitting president, beginning November 3, 2020. They set-up President Trump to remove him and persecute him and us relentlessly, so that he could never hold office again, so that the American people could never have their country back again, or our sovereignty.

They’ve impeached Trump twice, then dropped a Biowarfare pandemic on us to create totalitarian control. They took millions of lives with their still experimental bioweapon injections and have harmed hundreds of millions more all over the world with their mRNA VAX. THEY SUBJUGATED US WITH MASKS, LOCKDOWNS, AND DAILY COVID TESTS THAT WERE PROVEN TO SHOW 95% FALSE POSITIVES. They mass-murdered our loved ones with their lack of protocol and medical treatment, deception and chaos with their Genocide.

THE DEMOCRAT/RINO Uniparty, globalist unelected officials, and communist entities were all in on it. They profited to the tune of trillions of dollars to fund their new world order. Greed, power, and destruction of has wreaked havoc to “build back better”, to realize their dystopian dreamworld for the one they worship named Lucifer.

#BullyWorldOrder We are coming for you.

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