The Beast and the False Prophet of Revelation... "Big Brother" Is Coming...

1 year ago

To learn more about The Beast of Revelation, get our Free Book "The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-coming Reality?!" for FREE: How is this free? It has been paid forward by others.

In the Book of Revelation, John saw two beasts in a vision. One rose up from the sea and the other from the earth. Bible students understand these to be human leaders wielding power over the nations. Their power reaches its climax in the latter days, when this unholy alliance seizes far-reaching control over people’s lives. They even force people to take a mysterious mark, without which they are virtually cut off from society.
The Book of Revelation predicts this will happen. But how could such a thing occur in our enlightened age? Will people really give up this control over their lives?
We’ll explore that today on Tomorrow’s World. And we’ll get a glimpse into the coming society these beasts will shape. And we’ll see how you and your family can escape the terrible trap set by these two powerful figures.
During this program, I’ll be offering our free study guide, The Beast of Revelation: Myth, Metaphor, or Soon-coming Reality? So get ready, you won’t want to miss requesting your own copy of this hard-hitting booklet.
So, is Big Brother coming? I’ll be right back with the answers.

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