What has Changed Since Release?? | Sons of the Forest Update 1-7 GAME CHANGERS

1 year ago

Added Hang Glider
Added Defensive Wall gate.
Added mid game boss fight into food bunker.
You can now lock doors with a stick placed on the interior of the door.
Built small structures (furniture) can now be grabbed, while grabbed it can either be placed again somewhere or thrown to collapse it and get back its resources.
Added new structure type: One Sided Apex. Fills the space between a leaning beam and its supporting beam. Aligns automatically based on the leaning beam orientation. Fits quarter log variations to the right length automatically.
Added sleep cooldown.
Fixed opening a cave in late game having too many enemies.
Halved shotgun damage
Increased health on creepies depending on amount of multiplayer players active.
Should no longer be able to get through locked doors with a stick (Sorry speed runners!)
Fixed Kelvin cutting down trees with player structures attached.
Fixed some cases of small birds not being scared of player.

Added new demon boss to end of hell caves.
Added turtle shell rain collector.
Added new tougher puffy variation.
New surveillance room added to bunker residential.
New cave system added.
Moved gold armor to new cave system.
Removed keypad entrance to bunker luxury, will now need to open it an alternate way
Container items will now save their state in single player, so if they are opened or broken, they stay that way
Player is now able to use most left hand items while gliding
Removed shotgun pickup from bunker luxury
Increased fullness from eating MRE’s and decreased fullness from eating cat food
The flashlight will now auto replace the battery sooner so that it happens before the light begins to fade
Fixed multiple cases of enemies able to spawn inside player built bases
Fix for GPS locator not being cleared after being picked up and loaded from a save
Tactical in coffin GPS locator will no longer show up after loading a save where the player has already picked it up
Fix for breaking unfinished tree cabin giving infinite logs
Fixed Kelvin being able to burn to death from fires

Rideable E.U.C. ‘Knight V’
Ramps/Stairs can now be built between a beam and a wall
Added button / option to delete saves (also limited amount of save slots to 30 to fix issues with steam cloud sync)
Adjusted creepy spawning logic in caves, should no longer visibly spawn and should not lead to over the top amounts of enemies in caves over time
Made it possible to leave hell cave if reentering it after completing game
Increased John2 damage to structures

Added new point of interest discovery laptops
Added ability to name save games
Added kick and ban popup messages when kicked or banned from a game
Kelvin can now carry 2 logs at a time!
Added north arrow guide to mini map
Kelvin can now finish building shelves
GPS map updated to include all current ponds and lakes
Removed location pins from opening cutscene laptop screen

Buildable basic and advanced log sled
Tree regrowth (setting is on by default) with a 10% chance to randomly regrow when you sleep
Findable cooking pots and new advanced cooking system
79 new ponds and 34 new lakes added to map
Timmy will now block the exit to hell cave until after you have defeated the boss demon
Can no longer drink lava

Hard survival difficulty mode added
Buildable stone fireplace, stone walls, stone beams, and stone columns
Advanced log sled can now hold logs, rocks, stones, sticks and bones
The amount of rest gained by the player is now modified by their current comfort rating (certain soups and clothing can affect comfort rating)
Lowered chance of meds in crates
Large Demons can now sometimes appear above ground after end game
Added hard survival to start difficulty settings
Hard survival; Reduced food spawns in crates. No Item storage crate respawn on load in this game mode. Lowered fish and animal spawns. Decreased target health and stamina regen speeds while cold. Increased penalty for raw/rotten meats

Patch 7
New end boss battle and cutscene
Dedicated servers
Drivable golf carts
Stone doorways, struts, windows and pillar detached placement
Dirty/clean water system added
Drinking dirty water will now cause a small amount of health damage, boil water or collect in rain collector for clean water
Demon boss reduced health and damage it delivers. Some attacks have longer cooldown and increased it’s damage against structures
Doubled strength of stone structures

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⭕️ My Email - Santeria318mail@gmail.com

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