THE PYRAMID OF POWER - Intro to the Birth of the New World Order Part 2. How the Cabal Rules

1 year ago

THE PYRAMID OF POWER - Intro to the Birth of the New World Order Part 2. How the Globalist Cabal Rules the Deep State
The Truth Has Been Hidden
For Thousands of Years
Humanity Has Been Kept Poor and Ignorant -
So that the Predatory Royal Elite -
Can More Easily Subjugate and Enslave the Masses
But It is Not Just Merely About the Money and Power that They Have Stolen
Nor Even just about the Many Hundreds of Millions Innocent Victims They Have Killed
They Have Actually Reversed the Evolution of the Human Race -
And Set Back the Advancement of Civilization by a Thousand Years
But Now, the Truth Can No Longer be Hidden
Are You Ready to Learn the Truth -
That You Were Never Meant to Know?
The Independence of America sent a Shockwave through the European Royals
The 1815 Congress of Vienna was the frantic reaction of the Royals and Globalist Ruling Elite, in response to the American Revolution.
The Spread of America's Constitutional Republic to other Nations had to be Prevented at All Costs.
Europe was broken and had to be Rebuilt
The only Nation that Truly Benefitted from Napoleon's Rampage was Britain
The first Important Business at Hand in Vienna was to reestablish the Borders of the Countries that were swept away by Napoleon's Armies
And Negotiating Borders was never a simple matter
So after many attempts and concessions, the new Borders were agreed upon.
But even then in 1815 there was still much stress and concern.
Napoleon was still on the loose, attempting to reclaim his power.
But there was something much bigger that tore at the Hearts of Europes Royal Dynasties
America and their Constitutional Republic was a Monumental Problem
This is where the Secret History Really Begins
The True Significance of the Congress of Vienna is that it essentially Represented
a first attempt to establish a New World Order, Ruled over by the Royal Ancient Bloodlines.
So, the Royal Bloodlines of Europe gathered to Plot the means to prevent the Spread of Freedom
The purpose was to keep the Useless Eaters in Place and to continue to live their lives as mere Serfs. and Not as Independent Nations or as Sovereign Citizens.
Napoleon Left Europe in a Ruined Waste
The French Revolution was Meant to be a Peaceful Transition to a Republican Monarchy
With the Full Cooperation of the King
But the British Monarchy Would Never Let That Happen
Using the Free Trade Agreement that was Signed as part of the Treaty of Paris that Acknowledged American Independence -
Britain Intentionally Caused the Famine that Sparked the Flame of the French Revolution
The Peaceful Revolution was Highjacked
Britain Backed the Jacobin Socialist Radicals led by Robespiere
And It was not only Royals and Aristocrats the Bloodthirsty Rabble were after, but the Republican Reformers who were Prime Target's with a Price on their Heads
Britain had Staged a Color Revolution
And the Color of that Revolution was Crimson Red
And It Flowed into Rivers of Blood
After the Insanity had gone far beyond too far - Napoleon stepped in and seized Power
It just so happens that the Napoleonic Wars were Funded by the Rothschild's
So not only did the British Prevent France from having the same Freedom as America, they are to Blame for Napoleon's Mad Destruction of Europe as well
So Britain is America's Greatest Ally?
They have been trying to Destroy our National Sovereignty and place us under their Rule as a Commonwealth Crown Corporation from the very beginning.
The Treaty of Paris not only allowed The British Empire to Rig the International Economy through the False Pretense of Free Trade-
It also allowed them to Rule through Law.
Music thanks to Pixbay
Epic Trailer
Epic Action
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