Murdoch silence over Dan Wootton vs Huw Edwards is telling.

1 year ago

Why is Rupert Murdoch so quiet about the allegations against Dan Wootton, when his outlets were so vocal about Huw Edwards?
Right so Rupert Murdoch’s Scum rag did quite the number on BBC presenter Huw Edwards, hospitalising him over accusations of criminal behaviour, paying for explicit images despite said alleged criminality getting dropped by South Wales Police and the Met when there was no crime committed. You can have an opinion on what you think of Edwards conduct, but ultimately it’s his business in this case and not ours. Yet weirdly enough, another news presenter and I use news in a very loose sense in this case, is a certain Dan Wootton, who has mysteriously vanished off the GB News set, apparently taking time out to spend with family back in New Zealand. Well a Byline Times article, the culmination of a three year investigation into Wootton might shed a bit more light on this and Murdoch’s silence on this in light of what his rag did regarding the BBC has exposed the hypocrisy there all the more. It’s also pretty damaging for GB News itself, having done nothing thusfar to deal with Wootton following these accusation, which have been circulating as rumour on social media for days, yet were perfectly happy to lay into the Huw Edwards story as a BBC ‘nuclear bomb’. It seems Wootton has between 2008 and 2018 – the timeframe of this investigation - been using the identity of a fake showbiz agent, calling himself Martin Branning, offering large sums of money, £30,000 is the figure Byline quote, so Huw Edwards levels on money here, to target men, to trick and bribe them into sending him revealing and compromising sexual material. A cash for sexual images scandal. Again, it all sounds very familiar doesn’t it? Wootton is alleged to have been catfishing people and again making it seem very strange that Murdoch hasn’t done something about Wootton, amongst his alleged victims are a senior figure at Murdoch’s News UK, along with at least 6 staff working for the Scum newspaper. He’d also targeted members of the public through gay apps like Grindr and through Facebook. So allegations aside for a moment, why has Murdoch left him alone? He, like Huw Edwards surely works for a rival channel? Murdoch hates the BBC, but surely GB News is a rival to his Talk TV station too? Why not treat them the same way, GB News are a lot smaller, surely an easier target and the allegations made against Wootton seem substantially worse, a lot more to them, Byline haven’t covered everything they’ve got but have apparently sent a 28 page dossier to the Met Police regarding Wootton, whose Martin Branning persona was already known to them. Well Wootton and Murdoch have history. Wootton was at the News of the World before it went down over the phone hacking scandal, so Wootton once worked for him. He continued working for him later on going to the Scum itself. So they have history has that earned him some level of immunity at least from Murdoch’s outlets which, would mean Wootton is more valued still than current staff who are now alleged victims?


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