Fishing off Tavernier. Catching Bait, Mahi & Yellowjack

7 years ago

Today we ran off Tavernier to find the mahi. We start off by chumming on the patch reefs to get some ballyhoo behind the boat for fresh trolling bait.
After getting plenty of bait we move offshore to around 600+ feet and start trolling for mahi. After a couple hours we moved back to the patch reefs for a little bit of bottom fishing but mainly for trolling dive plugs around the reef edge.
This is where we picked up an ambjerjack. After we have enough fish for dinner we called it a day and went back home where we met some of our manatee friends.

Sorry for the week of no video uploads. I came down with strep throat and it took me a little while before I had enough energy to finish editing the videos. The next video I will be uploading is how I turned the yellowjack into fish dip!

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