Russia's Missile-Drone Attack in South, Wagner Shuts Base, "USA Disposes of Old Weapons in Ukraine"

11 months ago

Ukrainian military intelligence claimed that a Russian soldier opened fire on his own unit. Ukraine’s military intel said it found out about the incident after intercepting a phone call between two Russian soldiers. Ukraine’s Main Directorate of Intelligence (GUR) said that the call "reveals the critical psychological state of Russian soldiers". This comes after various other reports emerged in recent weeks of Russian soldiers describing the harsh conditions of serving in Ukraine. Ukraine said Russia launched a massive air attack overnight that damaged port infrastructure facilities in Odesa. Six Kalibr missiles launched towards Odesa and 21 Iran-built attack drones approaching Odesa region were "destroyed", Kyiv’s military said. Ukraine's air force said a total of 31 drones were downed across the country out of 36 launched by Russia overnight. Russia’s Ambassador to US Anatoly Antonov claims that Washington is disposing off old weapons in Ukraine. Watch this video to know what's latest in the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

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