The Daily Guided Morning Meditation

1 year ago

The Daily Guided Morning Meditation

Good morning and welcome to your morning guided meditation.

Find a comfortable position and gently close your eyes.

Take a moment to bring your awareness to your body… Start by taking a deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow any tension to melt away. Let's continue with a progressive relaxation, moving up from your toes to the top of your head…

Relax your toes, let go of any tension in your feet, and feel a wave of relaxation wash over them…

Now, bring your attention to your calves and allow them to relax completely. Let this relaxation move up to your knees, thighs, and hips, releasing any tightness or discomfort…

Bring your awareness to your lower back, feel it melting into the support beneath you. Let this feeling of relaxation spread to your chest and shoulders, allowing them to soften and let go. Relax your arms, all the way down to your fingertips. Let any remaining tension drift away…

Now, shift your focus to your neck, and gently release any tightness or stiffness you may be holding on to…

Feel the relaxation extend to your face, the muscles around your eyes, your jaw, and your forehead. Notice how your entire body is now completely relaxed and at ease…

Take a moment to tune into your thoughts. As thoughts come and go, allow them to simply pass by without judgment. You are in a safe space, and there's no need to hold on to any particular thought. Just observe and let go…

Now, bring your attention to the upcoming day. Embrace the idea that whatever happens, you have the strength and resilience to navigate it. Choose to approach each moment with a positive attitude, knowing that you are capable of handling whatever comes your way…

Remember that you are worthy and loved unconditionally simply because you exist. You are an indispensable part of the all that is. Take a deep breath in, feeling this truth resonating within you, and as you exhale, release any doubts or self-criticism that may arise…

(Short pause)

Know that you are ready to step into this day, ready to embrace all the opportunities and experiences it holds for you. When you're ready, gently open your eyes and carry this sense of calm and positivity with you throughout the day.

Thank you for joining me for this morning guided meditation. May your day be filled with peace, joy, and abundance.

(Background music fades out)

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