Join the Fight Against the Largest Criminal Enterprise: Child Trafficking - #V4CR

11 months ago

Ch*ld Tr*afficking is the LARGEST growing criminal enterprise in the USA. Estimated to be larger grossing than all pro sports combined.

What are we doing to eradicate it?? We are EXPOSING IT.

Will you join us??

Learn about our mission at

#VeteransForChildRescue #GeneralFlynn #UnitedAgainstCorruption #ChildrensRights #ChildSafety #StandTogether #AccountabilityMatters #JusticeForChildren #truthers #FightingCorruption #Community #TogetherWeCan #BeTheVoice #ProtectOurChildren #FutureGenerations #NoToCorruption #WeThePeople #UnitedWeStand

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