illminded Podcast Ep.3 (SPANGLISH EDITION) - Padrex Hip Hop Group and Padrillo Records Interview

10 months ago

Descubre la entrevista mas nueva de the illminded Podcast con el Grupo de Hip Hop Padrex, y el creador de Padrillo Records. Conversamos sobre el movimiento Hip Hop de Peru, Padrex y sus miembros, el process creativo de esos miembros y como se formo Padrillo Records. Descubran mas del mundo de la musica y oigan unos freestyles buenísimos.

Discover the latest interview on the illminded Podcast with the Padrex Hip Hop Group and the founder of Padrillo Records. Gain insights into the world of music production, the creative process and challenges faced as an artist. Tune in now for an engaging conversation that will leave you inspired and informed. As well as some amazing freestyles.

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Podcast recorded on ZOOM Podtrak P4

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