When There’s Lightning…

1 year ago


It’s been quite a while – 6 years since surviving the Las Vegas Massacre & 3.5 years since being shot in the head.
It took a lot of work and perseverance to get where I’m at today – the 3 Ds (diligence, dedication, discipline) to feel as strong, capable & confident as I do right now.
You can heal, overcome, be whole again, IF you Do The Work #DTW It’s not easy, and I’ll be honest; it’s hard and scary too, but YOU CAN DO IT! I’m doing it. Day by day, better and better, and I’m here to not only prove it, but to encourage & cheer you on, too!
PS: I LOVE Lightning ⚡️
Peace, Love, Unity

#ptsd #cptsd #lawenforcementsbuse #fbicollosion #dojcorruption #massacres #survivinggunshot #monocularvision #bulletproofblonde

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