Max Speirs – Soul Catching and Recycling – Project Oak Tree – The Reincarnation Trap

1 year ago

Summary According to Max: The Reptilians are in control this planet and are aware of every incoming incarnation.

Higher Vibration Souls began incarnating in the 1950's and 1970's. He says the reptilians are constantly in fear, which is why they want to control us.

The Anunnaki put this project together. They have manipulated our DNA. We now have 2 strand DNA where we are supposed to have 12 and 22 strand DNA.

The reptilians lack compassion.

The moon is a satellite for soul harvesting. When one dies and goes to the light they are captured, and their memories wiped, and their soul / energy is harvested on the moon and recycled for another slave incarnation on Earth.

Humans have been caught in a reincarnation time loop.

Max says that Able is the bad and is an anagram and stands for Bal - Luciferian energy.

The Reptilians are now removing the Alpha Males from the planet. Olympian, Bruce Jenner being just one example. Males are to protect the Divine Feminine. They are feminizing males which takes protection away from the Devine Feminine.

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