33Mil views/monetized hair removal from butt

1 year ago

This is from my YouTube channel, I recently found this account through Odin’s Men here on rumble. Since you can’t show this on YouTube, we’ll unless you’re this man. I made a vid last night after sifting through his content.
I agree that education=prevention and there is nothing wrong with allowing people to EDUCATE others who have no one else to. HOWEVER the graphic visuals here of this man’s behind (not covered, not censored at all) to me is a violation YouTube “policies”. He received a strike, but they aren’t taking it down, he receives paid sponsorships, he is allowed to profit from this (33Mil views&counting).
So if this is legal on YouTube why can’t people like JT from odin’s men or myself speak about our opinions on political matters, and or retain our right to FREE SPEECH without sacrificing demonetization & losing all videos? We have to tiptoe around YouTube policies and word things in obscure ways but still will receive backlash from YouTube, meanwhile simultaneously this young man is allowed to fully post a video of his bare behind with cheeks spread to show “hair removal”?!
The hypocrisy is disturbing. The lack of our right to freedom of speech and our right to disagree and speak freely on topics without policing ourselves is UNBELIEVABLE! This is a miscarriage of justice.
I disagree that

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