7.17.23- TRUTH is DOMINATING the AIRWAVES! Trump, Tucker combo deliver knockouts! PRAY!

11 months ago

Vivek explains how the White House uses private actors like BlackRock ( larry fink ) to implement what they can't get passed through Congress, label it ESG, and claim it's good for the environment. https://t.me/c/1716023008/189099

Eduardo Verastegui - the mainstream media doesn’t care about saving children https://t.me/c/1716023008/189041

Mike is the only one I'm hearing say we will have a great revival https://t.me/PepeDeluxed/46011

Put yourself in Putin’s shoes. https://t.me/conservativejblQck1776/121787

President Trump deserves the term that was stolen from him in 2020. https://t.me/vDarknessFalls/18972

"If I was the devil..." https://t.me/qthestormrider777/16736

45 explains why he has to be so tough: https://t.me/TheStormHasArrived17/13546

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