Subliminal Trauma Release ♡ subliminals ♡ binaurals

11 months ago

'Trauma release' subliminal
subliminal affirmations audio stimuli ♛ Solfeggio frequencies audio stimuli ♛ theta brainwave frequencies audio stimuli ♛ Schumann resonance frequencies audio stimuli ♛ relaxing ambient sounds

Check out our custom-made + premium subliminals

Main topic benefits:
♛ all traumas are resolved and released
♛ all parts of self are free of trauma
♛ truly free of all negative influences connected to past traumas
♛ fully free
♛ fully aware of new healthy self
♛ being able to free yourself when you feel stuck
♛ being able to move on from stuck positions
♛ every second of life offers new wonderful opportunities
♛ a life full of wonders and joy
♛ love for life
♛ love for self
♛ feeling of being deeply loved
♛ being deeply loved by life itself
♛ all setbacks naturally help you heal and grow
♛ see opportunity where you saw problems (in the past)
♛ taking great care of yourself
♛ worthy of self-care
♛ being able to handle every situation calmly and with ease, even if something triggers you
♛ handling tricky situations superbly, like a true master
♛ inner child is safe now
♛ you are safe now
♛ you feel safe
♛ being able to easily guide yourself and loved ones into safety (whenever danger arises)
♛ being able to see the beauty in life
♛ DNA and associated systems are fully healthy and live up to their highest potential
♛ healthy and safe mind
♛ healthy and safe body
♛ healthy and safe soul

Primer/booster benefits:
♛ tremendous positive effects from subliminals
♛ power to change reality
♛ creator of own reality and subliminals help with it
♛ incredibly strong manifestation powers
♛ permanent changes, for as long as you wish
♛ power to decide for yourself what can influence you (including subliminals)
♛ improved results

♚ we successfully combine subliminal affirmations with sound-frequency technology since 2017
♚ affirmations are phrases that are repeated with the intent to induce change through re-writing established patterns and creating new ones
♚ subliminals or subliminal affirmations are affirmations that cannot be fully perceived by the conscious mind; in this case they are in the audio track but masked by louder sounds – this is done to bypass the filters of the waking/conscious mind and send the information directly to the subconscious or unconscious parts
♚ only positive affirmations are used, e.g. 'I'm grateful for my success', 'I'm feeling well', or 'I am free of pain' instead of negative affirmations like 'I don't feel any pain'
♚ only first-person perspective is used, e.g. 'I'm feeling well'
♚ in this video only masked subliminals were used, no silent subliminals – reason is, they're easier to decode and produce less noise
♚ there are specific frequencies which are often associated with having positive effects on the body, e.g. brainwave frequency-altering music, Solfeggio frequencies, Schuman resonance frequencies
♚ binaural beats and isochronic tones/pulses: beat frequencies 4-10 Hz + 8 Hz Schumann resonance, base frequency Solfeggio 174 Hz + 285 Hz
♚ visual affirmations on screen are simply for motivation, they are not part of the subliminal affirmation experience; that is why they are written from second person point of view
♚ listen at least 1-2 times a day and focus on your desired reality with your thoughts and feelings
♚ this video is here to assist you with your desired mental re-programming, it's a mind focus support exercise
♚ no success or results of any type guaranteed
♚ headphones can be very helpful but are not required
♚ activate "loop" to repeat the video automatically, when you want to listen for a longer time, e.g. over night while sleeping
♚ you can listen to other music on top of these subliminals
♚ you can bundle these subliminals

☓ This is not a medical or professional treatment or application of any type! This is simply a mind focus-exercise, do not mistake this for treatment!
☓ If you feel unwell consult your physician or health care professional!
☓ Stop listening if you feel discomfort!
☓ Do not listen when you're performing potentially dangerous tasks (e. g. driving, operating machinery)!

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