Dog Lovingly Babysits Cute Baby Goats

8 years ago

This is Betty, a Pyrenean Mountain Dog. All she wanted to do this day was use the soothing shadow and take a nap on the ground. Little that she knew, her baby goat friends had quite different plans.

Careful where you put those hooves, little ones…

Baby goats are the most loving, easygoing creatures. They love Betty like she is one of them, like a goat mom. They are together all day and every day. Their favorite pastimes are cuddling, napping, and chasing each other around – but, even when playing, Betty never, ever stops caring about their safety.

We all love our pets, and feel in our bones that this love is returned multi-folds. However, can cats and dogs fall in love other animals, too? Can the expressions of love we evidently notice in our pets, really just be simple instincts that help them get a treat or something else they want? There is cold, hard scientific research to back the ‘love theory’ up.

Claremont Graduate University, Paul Zak has been doing a series of studies based to the “love drug” - oxytocin. Zak went to an animal refuge to test whether animals could feel love and friendship for other animals. His study focused on two young males who would often play and simulate fighting with each other. They were two different species: a dog and a goat. The the pair was left to interact freely in an enclosed area, and, he took their baseline blood samples and drew again after the playdate.

The dog’s oxytocin levels increased by 48 percent, showing the strong friendship he feels t for his goat buddy. But it seems the goat is actually in love with the dog — he had an increase of 210 percent!

To sum up, what you saw in the video were some true and beautiful mixed family moments.

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