Three Important Differences: The Kingdom of God vs. the World Today - Isaiah's Prophecy of Peace

11 months ago

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Imagine a perfect world. Not what we see today, but a new world, ideal in every way. What would it be like? If you could remake everything you see, what would you change? Maybe you would erase the political divides that plague our world… Perhaps you would get rid of corruption, scandals, lies, and government propaganda. Maybe you’d reform the criminal justice system, and institute new laws. Fair and just laws that protect the unborn and don’t legalize immorality. You’d close loopholes that benefit the rich and powerful. Everyone would be truly equal before the law, all the time, without fail. Maybe you’d get rid of violence and war… No more men and women learning the art and science of warfare… And no more violence and anarchy in the streets.
Is it possible? Am I only dreaming? You might think so, looking at society today. If you read the headlines and watch the latest videos posted online, you might conclude that this hope for a perfect world is unrealistic.
But stop a moment. This ideal world I just described is what your Bible predicts, in detail. This may be a shock to some, but it’s true.

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