Charter of Health Freedom Section 4 – What’s the Purpose?

1 year ago

Revisiting the Charter in 2019

Natural Health Products and practices are under threat, once again. As a result of Health Canada's latest plans to harmonize the Natural Health Product Regulations with those of chemical drugs, Canadians risk continued loss of access to natural medicines. Censorship of truthful information about Natural Health Products will be increased under Health Canada's proposed action. Science will be used as a weapon to suppress truth. Action is required now.

The Charter of Health Freedom is proposed Canadian legislation that gives Natural Health Products and Traditional Medicines their own Act. The Charter protects our access to Natural Health Products and Traditional Medicines by creating separate legal category for them. The Charter aims to protect our health freedoms and rights.

In this video (50 second watch), constitutional lawyer and NHPPA President, Shawn Buckley discusses the meaning and purpose of Section 4 of the Charter, including how it assists government in interpreting the Act and ensures we have access to Natural Health Products and traditional healing practices.

Important Links:
Discussion Paper: The Repeal of the Natural Health Product Regulations
What is the Charter of Health Freedom?
The Charter of Health Freedom Petition (English)
La Charte de la Liberté de Choix en Santé Pétition (Français)
The Charter of Health Freedom Grows in Importance: Relevance in 2018
Store & Clinic Support Kit

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Video Production:

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