Dog literally can't contain excitement for the outdoors

8 years ago

Every dog loves the great outdoors. Especially if you keep your dog in an apartment or a house with a small yard, when that dog sees a vast acreage, the wild in it wakes up and makes it wanna zoom around and spin in circles. And why wouldn’t it - every pup needs some good quality exercise.

When this adorable dog is brought to his favorite place, he totally loses it. Taiyo, the Bernese Mountain dog loves the outdoors - the clean air, the open space, all the meadows he can run through, it makes him feel free and alive!

Watch him run and zoom around the place in all his 98 pound glory! That is one happy dog and we can’t help but be happy for him! We only wish we could be there with him, to soak up all that positive energy.

Taiyo isn’t just a fan of the outdoors, he is a very good swimmer as well! He used to be terrible at it, according to his owner, but he is improving greatly and now swims almost like a pro. Another thing he seems to love a lot is snow as well. When the first snow hit the ground where Taiyo lives, he did the that same happy maneuver you see in this video!

It is like watching a little kid with a new toy, it is so adorable!

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