Do Not Willfully Sin | Believer Beware

1 year ago

Calvary Community Church of Tampa LIVE PM Service Service with Pastor Jesse Martinez


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Bibleline is a ministry of Calvary Community Church in Tampa, Florida and is hosted by Pastor Jesse Martinez.

(Tom Cucuzza)
(Jim Scudder)
(Freddie Coile)
(Yankee Arnold)
(Kees Boer)
#beware #believer #dangers #hebrews #bibleline #salvation #neglect #osas #hebrewbeliever #truth #harden #heart #donot #fallaway #fall #away #wilfulsin #willfully #willfullysin #donotsinwillfully

tonight let's go to Hebrews chapter 10.
Hebrews chapter 10 . we're going to study some
passages of a portion of scripture that is just as contentious and debated as
what we studied last week last week we looked in Hebrews chapter 6 and we talked about how it's impossible for
someone to be renewed back to that position of repentance I tried to give you
the correct understanding of that statement which does not mean once a person falls into a certain level of sin
it's impossible for them to get saved again you have to remember
if it's true for one portion of scripture then all of scripture has to teach it that's a very important
Doctrine to understand we can't violate other clear portions of
scripture for the sake of understanding one passage and this is exactly what happens with the passage we look at
tonight there's a phrase that we're going to see it's in verse 26 of chapter 10 for if we
sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins
people look at that verse and they they read it with a predisposed position to lordship
Salvation lordship salvation is exactly that you have to make Jesus the Lord and Master
of your life in order to be saved now people will say it's not enough to just merely put him in that position you have
to back it up with works it's the most common teaching amongst Calvinism today and that's it's hard to spot I want to
be honest with you it's hard to spot because these backloading preachers
they'll have the gospel correct it's by faith alone in Christ alone there's nothing you can do to earn it you just
have to put your trust in Christ but as they continue to teach the teachings of the New Testament they say a real faith
will demonstrate itself in good works so if you don't have real Faith then your conversion was not genuine and they'll
use passages like this to prove their point there's really three things that I want
to look at today I don't really want to get up here and and preach to you I want to just teach
and walk you through it because I think there's some very good principles here but every single one of us if we have a
transparent look at ourselves tonight you will find yourself in the category of willful sin it's
it's so so juvenile to think that there is
nothing except willful sin I mean every sin that you do you choose to do it we'll go over the three categories and
we'll look at that in a moment but the promises here that are given
for those who continue in sin and do nothing to correct it there's a there's a very serious
consequence that is coming for you and we'll look at some other passages as well that promote this teaching from the
Bible but I want you to understand that salvation is not the issue tonight these
are to saved people the only issue of Salvation is that it's addressed to people who have already put their trust
in Jesus Christ now you know the audience of Hebrews is Jews that are
probably you know second generation Christians and I don't mean that a whole lifetime has passed away but they've
been led to Christ by someone else who was led to Christ by lead to Christ so they're pretty removed from the source
there and and um Jerusalem and it's important to understand that as they're
going through Christianity the modern world is beginning to persecute them physically
so there's a Temptation for them to go back to the comfort of the Jewish practice so that number one they can
live without fear of death so that they can prosper in their work and they don't have to worry about being
hunted uh dispersing having their family members lives put at risk so there's a
comfort there's a Temptation for them to apostasize and what that means is they fall away from the truth well what truth
are they falling away from that Jesus Christ is the Messiah that he is the Fulfillment of all of the prophecies in
the Old Testament that speak of the Messiah and they have put their trust in him to fall away from that truth is not
that they say I don't believe in Jesus anymore and even if they did say that they're still saved why because God is
faithful and he will not forget the decision that they made to
trust in Christ there was it was transactional at that moment of salvation but they fall away from the
truth in that they either they can reject it or they just forget it and go
back into a religious system of works that does not save we've no doubt seen people like this in
our lives some of this may describe you at some point you may have gotten saved
and then went back into false teaching for the sake of comfort family tradition
acceptance whatever it may be this is not where Believers should reside and there are serious
consequences and it's a part of our warnings that we look at tonight do not willfully sin yes it is willful sin to
put yourself back under a religious system which denies the truth of Jesus
Christ and any world religion that teaches works for salvation
or Works to have a right standing of justification before God is against the
message of Jesus Christ we there's no wiggle room there
God is not going to have mercy and Grace at the great white Throne judgment they
are held accountable for the decision that they made many people look at Ministries like ours
that take a stand for the truth and they say we're divisive we don't allow people room to breathe and we make things
harder than they should it is literally a matter of life and death it is the difference between rising at
the last day for everlasting life or for Everlasting shame and contempt and
that's very clear in Daniel chapter 12 and verse 4. at the last day many of people are going
to wake up and all people will they'll rise and they'll either rise to everlasting life with God because of the
blood of Jesus Christ or they will have new bodies which will be able to suffer
torment in Hell forever and ever and ever the words that are used in Daniel 12 4
is a very important definition of forever it's a definition that means forever and
ever and ever not forever in this life right we you know when people get married they say till death do us part
well of course it's like I'll love you forever and the idea is there it lasts
in this lifetime while you're here but the word that is used for forever in
Daniel 12 4 it goes on into timelessness and that was a new teaching in the Old
Testament that a person would suffer eternal torment and that they would rise to that torment
so it's a serious thing if we're teaching Jesus plus something else we're telling somebody that they can trust in
their good works to get them saved and that's a serious thing and God takes that seriously and if his children go
back into a teaching like that and depart from the teaching that they once knew they will be punished sorely
sorely now I'll be direct with you in that
the idea here is at least the way I see it and this is how I approach it I have to change my
mind according to what the scripture says but I see this as discipline from a parent
and I don't know how you were disciplined as kids but there are many times where the
discipline that I experienced first of all it was earned you know I had earned that discipline
but there were times when I knew that my my my dad especially is angry
with me and I understand that and you know he's right to be angry but God does not judge us out of that
anger that he has for the world but he uses the same our works will be decided
by the same fire that consumes those in hell and I'll show you that later on tonight
but he disciplines out of a pure loving heart pure intent
but it's still a very sore punishment and I think we are naive to say that
because God is all Love Therefore there is no chastening because chastening is not Love chastening Is Love
if you love your kids you tell them in the safety of your home
the difference between right and wrong if you've got a problem with a kid running out into the middle of a street
you want to make sure that when you yell their name when you call their attention they're stopping and paying attention
because in a real life situation if they don't listen to your call and they run out to the to the street that car is not
going to care as to whether they're making a mistake or not they could die it's a serious thing
there's so many comparisons to how God disciplines us as his children and how
Parents Ought to discipline their kids that's not the focus tonight but the focus tonight is God will sorely
discipline disobedient believers just because we are positionally found in Christ does not mean that we will
escape chastening and it's not a fun process just like it's not a fun process here on
Earth wasn't fun to get spankings and get punishments and all that kind of stuff
but if we didn't have those things we could be very you know you could be dead
look at how many young people are dying today at the hands of violence and people say oh it's because it's law
enforcement but it's like kids are brandishing weapons
there I mean it's it's like a sign of it's like a Rite of Passage to commit violence against one another in many of
these gangs why does that happen because we don't have proper discipline in our homes
is children that way rest assured take comfort whatever Comfort is available in this fact that
you will be disciplined for your sin and so of the warnings the one up here on the screen is
Paramount do not willfully sin but before we get into that I want to answer this question I hear this all the time
is free Grace and I put that in their quotes because you know I'm not all free Grace I just like what the Bible says
you want to call me anything call me a student of God's word is free Grace soft on sin a lot of
people think this soft meaning they don't punish sin They Don't Preach on sin because people think we teach a
license to sin that you can just keep sinning and sinning and sinning and it will never overcome the amount of Grace
that God has given I'm going to let the Bible answer that question so hold your spot in Rome in uh
Hebrews 10 and go to Romans chapter 6.
Romans chapter 6 Paul asked this question and he asked it pretty plainly and gives a very plain
answer so much so that the translators even put a punctuation mark in verse two
in the middle of the verse which is not very common so I think it's for emphasis but look at what this says
Romans 6 verse 1 says what shall we say then shall we continue in sin that Grace May
abound so that that's the question is is your position that a person can get saved and
never lose their salvation regardless of how they behave isn't that soft on sin
well Paul was being accused of the same thing what does it mean there shall we continue in sin shall we continue to
practice sin that Grace May abound what does that Grace May abound mean that Grace continues to cover the that sin
that we practice in the question is shall we Believers
continue in this sin that Grace will always be able to meet the response is clear in verse two God forbid how shall
we that are dead to sin live any longer therein now for the sake of time we're not going
to go through this entire chapter but you should Market this is a great chapter to look at the reality of living
as a believer as a slave to sin we're dead to it what
does that mean the penalty of our sin has been paid why then would we want to go back to the
slop why then we as someone who have been bought out of the marketplace
that word redeemed meaning bought out of the marketplace why would we then want to put ourselves back into the
marketplace and be sold into servitude to sin we've been freed from
that so go back to Hebrews chapter 10
is free gray soft on sin no and neither is God now we're going to look at three examples here
three examples of how God takes sin two of these examples include children
of Israel I it's it's not for me to say whether these two examples that we look at are
people that were looking to a coming Messiah and were you know properly trusting for eternal life I don't know
but I want you to see the discipline of those two and one of this group of people are two people
who were saved in the church age and they had one sin that you and I
would probably look at and say is it really that bad well it cost them their lives
so let's look at the two children of Israel as an example first go to Leviticus chapter 10.
expect that one Leviticus chapter 10 . let's go to that one
it's a quick one just verses one through two
I saw a great commentary note on this passage that I just was you know made
you go um so I'll share that with you in a moment but Leviticus chapter 10 verses 1
through 2 these two children are mentioned nadab and abihu
the sons of Aaron now this is quite significant Aaron of course Moses's brother
these are Moses's you know family these kids were not doing what they were
supposed to do it says the sons of Aaron so we don't know how old they were
but they died this night and you're going to see why
they took either of them his sensor and put fire therein and put incense thereon and offered
Strange Fire before the Lord which he commanded them not and there went out
fire from the Lord and devoured them and they died before the Lord
now we're living in a time in In this passage here where there's a lot of
things being instituted that are used as pictures of something that Christ will fulfill in
the future so God takes these things very seriously these I don't I don't want to say kids because I don't know if
they were kids but these these young guys they're messing around doing what they were not supposed to be doing and
whatever fire they offered God through the holy spirit says it's strange
and it's very basic what they did they disobeyed God's instructions for proper
sanctification and cleansing and they died there was no trial there was no review as to did they just
misunderstand they died God takes
his words seriously look at three then Moses said unto Aaron this is it
that the Lord spake saying I will be Sanctified in them that come nigh me and before all the people I will be
glorified and Aaron whose kids were just they they just died before the Lord
he had nothing to say in response to God's instruction the reason why you and I can come to
church and worship and have a free conscience
and ask for forgiveness and know that we receive it is because we are coming to God Sanctified set apart how is that
because of the blood of Jesus Christ This is why communion there's such strong warnings in
communion not to take it unworthily if this is how God feels in the Old
Testament what do you think made him change his mind in the New
Testament did he change his mind he hasn't this is some of the great access we can
see by what we have in Jesus Christ however I read a great comment on this
a lot of people take this as I'm going to worship God in my own way I'm going to do things the way I want to
do well I don't worship on Sunday I worship you know through you know radio or or just uh giving money to church but
I don't really go to church I don't really read my Bible that's not for me folks be careful you're not offering
Strange Fire be careful that you're not saying your will is now God's Will and therefore he
must obey it or that it comes from him I see this so many times when people pray
they already have their mind made up it's it's comical in a sad way but you can
see it from a far away it's like I already know what route you're going to run you're lining up on the line of
scrimmage and I know exactly where you're going to go and they say well I'm praying about X Y and Z so would you pray for me about
this that once do they ask for the Lord's will to be done they say I'm praying for
X Y and Z Would you pray that this would be done I have counseling sessions where I sit
down with people and I talk to them right off the bat the importance of praying for God's Will and then that you
would be obedient to do it that's where the rubber meets the road
because your will very well might be outside of the will of God and someone's got to correct who's got to correct
these boys they offered something incorrectly it was strange before God
and it required their lives and there was a lesson that was taught through it
so should free gracers should those of us who believe that salvation is you know Eternal once you're saved you're
saved into eternal life and you can never lose it should we be soft on sin no we shouldn't
we should not allow it in our lives let's look at another one here this is
in Joshua chapter 7.
I remember the first time I read this passage that we're going to look at tonight I I was moved I cried
because it was so sad this is just a sad sad thing
and then I was scared because I know that God doesn't change
and I realized how serious he took this sin that it required this man's life and
the life of his family foreign I believe it's in chapter seven uh
starting in verse 19. and Joshua said unto Aiken my son give I
pray thee glory to God of Israel and make confession unto him and tell me now what thou has done
hide it not from me 20. and Aiken answered Joshua and said indeed I have sinned against the Lord God of Israel
and thus and thus have I done now for time we didn't look at the context but
what happened is they were supposed to go into A.I the land of AI and they were
going to win as God said they would but they were instructed at the conquest of
Jericho don't take anything no spoils don't do it Aiken disobeyed he stole a bunch of
stuff dug a hole in the ground buried his stuff in there Israel goes on to the next place they're
going to conquer remember this is the promised land that they had doubted God would bring them into and now Moses he
died Josh was taking over he's leading them in very bloody book Joshua
comes in they go into this battle and several thousand Israeli troops die
and Joshua falls on his face he says Lord what's going on and God says Get Up sanctify the people go to this house and
then talk to this family and then talk to this man and ask him what he has done that should cause you some concern if
you're sitting here tonight and there's secret sin in your life that God knows it
you weren't we're not playing him for a fool at all he knows it
and Joshua obeyed that and he went down the line and he got to Aiken and Aiken when he was confronted he made the right
choice and he got right with God but the consequences prevailed and I have chills
right now because I know it's the same thing in my life I'm not without any exception
we can come clean to God but it's up to him as to whether he's
going to allow those consequences to go forth or not I've known men who've made decisions in
ministries that they've received forgiveness for they've come out about it they receive forgiveness but they can't
serve in the same way again but we are ignorant and unwise if we
think God won't do anything about it if no one else knows about it then God won't do
anything about it he made it known before the whole nation of Israel here
so that's the scene and then Aiken makes his confession so he goes forward he he tells him here
in verse 21 when I saw Among The Spoils of goodly Babylonian babylonianist
garment 200 shekels of silver and a wedge of gold of 50 shekels weight then
I coveted them what does that mean he desired him for himself and took them and behold they are HID in
the earth in the midst of my tent and the silver in it so there's Joshua so Joshua sent Messengers and they ran into
the tent and behold it was hidden as tent and the silver under it good on Aiken that he was honest
but he lied up to this point he didn't say a word nothing uttered out
of his mouth but men died and he had to be confronted about it
before he spoke the truth you know there's a big difference between Aiken here and King Saul when King Saul was
pressed he denied it three times and that's some of us here tonight we get pressed and there's opportunity to come
clean and we find a way to protect ourselves we we don't speak the truth we lie and
lie and lie and we expect everything to just be okay because well they don't know
that I still have this thing going on careful
because when you lie to people especially in the body of Christ you're lying to God first and that's
also a note in David said against the Lord I've sinned
Aiken was in the same position but he was silent still in his Disobedience he came forward they found
it 23 and they took them out of the midst of the tent and brought them unto Joshua and unto all the children of Israel
that's before the nation laid them out before the Lord here it is what a man the embarrassment that must have
come with that from Aiken This is the man that cost us good men on the
battlefield this is what he took you know I often think about this um
you can tell how influential the movie Aladdin was on me as a kid it just is but there's one part in that movie where
Abu the little uh monkey they're in the Cave of Wonders what was the instruction just bring me the lamp right don't touch
anything else and there's that one scene the animators get the you know a buoys looking at this giant Ruby and his eyes
get like all big and the Ruby fills his eyes right and he reaches forward and he's got his tongue out and he's
drooling and he goes to touch it and all of a sudden it turns into sand and the entire structure falls down on
him and I think I must have achen felt when he looked at that garment when he looked at that gold
that silver the difference of when he looked at it when it was in Jericho
and he was like oh I want that I need that I will have that the difference now between it's just
stuff there's blood on that that's what I wanted
deception deception deception the the devil wants to deceive you with these
giant things in your life like man I want this I want to live for that but when you
actually get a hold and possess them they're just sand they cost people so much
there's a lesson here in that outside of what we'll see in a moment
so they took all of it they brought it to the valley of a Corps in verse 24 verse 25 and Joshua said why hast thou
troubled us the Lord shall trouble thee this day and all Israel stoned him with stones
and they burned them with fire after they had stoned them with stones
and they had a name for that place the valley of a core so the Lord turned to 26 from the
fierceness of his anger what was withholding the blessings of God was sin
unconfessed doesn't this make you thankful for Jesus
Christ that he took that punishment for us that should have been us we all should have been in the valley of a core
but God and his love sent Jesus in our place and if you're here today and you do have
that secret thing going on in your life this is the coffee brewing sniff it in and wake up
this sin is serious last one we're going to look at is in Acts chapter 5. so let's take a look
and doesn't this make you thankful for first John 1 9. if we confess our sins he is faithful
and just forgive us our sins to cleanse us from all unrighteousness I'm thankful for that
but I know that Galatians 6 is still true I'm going to reap what I sow
[Music] the same is for you too look in Acts chapter 5 and verse 1.
but a certain man named ananias with Sapphira his wife sold a possession and
kept back part of the price with his wife with his wife also being
privy to it and brought a certain part and laid it at the apostles feet but Peter said ananias why have Satan
filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost do you think that ananias went to an altar of Satan and asked for his
heart to be filled no so what does Peter mean here the father of Lies is Satan
and ananias lied about how much he was giving by the way there was he was not
held at gunpoint sell your property and give us all the money this is something he did willfully
but he lied about how much he was giving it's it's interesting I want to note
here it is interesting the author of this lie is Satan and ananias just promotes it
who paid the price read on CE it remained was it not thine own
verse 4 and after it was sold was it 99 oh empowered Peter's saying there's no one making you do this
why has thou conceived this thing in thine heart thou Hast not lied unto men
but unto God that's a big 7-Eleven Big Gulp moment right there
and ananias hearing those words fell down and gave up the ghost that
does not mean he you know hurt his knee that he experienced a twinge in his back
the man died at the hearing of the truth
didn't even get a chance to confess it himself this night and he was gone Sia so now
Sapphira what's she gonna do
and great fear came on all them that heard these things verse 6 and the young men arose wound them up carried him out
and buried him and it was about the space of three hours after when his wife not knowing what was done came in I hear
the whistling you know you know it's just coming in
and Peter had answered her tell me whether you sold the land for so much I wonder if there was like a
huh and she said yay for so much the force
so much was what Anaya had said which kept back a certain amount and we know that from verse one excuse me verse two
it says his wife also being privy to it she knew she was in on it then Peter said unto her
how is it that you have agreed together to tempt the spirit of the Lord behold and this is an eloquent poetic way of
saying you will die for this the feet of them which have buried thy
husband are at the door and shall carry thee out I wonder if she even had time to understand
what that meant she probably did because Peter said why are you tempting
the spirit of the Lord I don't know if she knew her husband died but may I say when she was absent
from her body she was present with the Lord she died as well
this is after Jesus Christ has risen the blood's been applied
oh well Brie Grace is soft on sin same thing was required of them their
life ended their opportunity to serve the Lord and earn rewards done over
ten then fell she down straightway talk to the Apostle Mark about that word
straightway it means immediately without delay yielded up the ghost the young men came
in and found her dead and carrying her forth buried her by her husband and we know from verse 11 and verse the end of
verse 5 that those young men that carried out ananias and now carried out his wife
they were fearful of lying to God
they understood what they saw and great fear verse 11 Came Upon all
the church and upon as many as heard these things did you hear what happened to ananias and Sapphira yeah
people understood that there were consequences for their sin so now let's
look in Hebrews 10. ananias and Sapphira they're believers
they had put their trust in the Risen Messiah but they still experienced that consequence
26 Hebrews chapter 10 and verse 26 for if we sin willfully we just saw three
examples of that willful sin I saw it I coveted it they offered Strange Fire I
sold it for this much and I kept back the price
after that we have received knowledge of the truth they remaineth no more sacrifice for
sins there's no more sacrifice that needs to be applied to your sin however
a certain fearful looking for the judgment and fiery indignation which
shall Devour the adversaries now this does not mean that a Believer goes into
the position of condemned again as an enemy of God but they will receive judgment and that
their Works will be burned up at the Judgment seat of Christ and it will have no prophet
side note we don't have time to look at it but first Corinthians chapter 3 verses 12 through 15. you look at that
and that's the judge seat of Christ and the fire that is mentioned there it very specifically says their Works will be
burned up but they will be saved from fire but you're a fool to think that we can
live as we please live in willful sin and not experience punishment
that's a very illogical opinion to take in light of
these verses he that despised Moses's law died
without Mercy under two or three Witnesses they were found guilty under the law and they died
and this nature of questioning that we see here is some of the strongest questioning you'll see in the New
Testament of how much more sore punishment of how much sore punishment
suppose ye he's almost asking them well what do you think
shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under the foot of the Son of God
you've taken Jesus you've taken his payment for sin and you trample on it
you you stomp up and down on it as if it's worth nothing
and hath counted the blood of the Covenant wherewith he was Sanctified by the way this is also an important thing
talking to people who are already Sanctified earlier in the chapter it says they're eternally
that way wherewith he was Sanctified an Unholy thing and had done despite unto the
spirit of Grace for we know him that said Vengeance Vengeance belongeth unto
me I will recompense saith the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people
God will not turn a blind eye to the sin in a believer's life regardless of where they are positionally in Christ
and this is why Progressive sanctification is so important why do we
why do we teach hard on sin why do we teach that we are to be called out of
the world and we set ourselves aside because God will judge his people you and me included
and it's important that we don't think that just because all of our sin is paid now there there's no more consequences
for our sin there's no more sacrifice that can be applied because Jesus is the final sacrifice but that doesn't mean
that God will not punish us and here's 31 and I want you to tie just
as a reference to acts 5 5 part B and acts 5 11 that we
just read look at 31 it is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God
thank you I want you to write these things down here are some known consequences we can
discern from this passage number one we can expect to be devoured
number two we can expect physical death number three we can expect a sore
punishment number four we can expect God's vengeance
number five we can expect Judgment at the Judgment seat of Christ and number six we can live in fear in this life
we are not given that spirit of fear but we can choose it every day with our
sin I want to give you these three things here that are the three categories of
sin that we all we can put each one each one of our sins we can find a category of multiple
the first one which I think we all know we learn it as little babies is intentional and it would say this I
wanted to I know you told me to obey you I wanted
to disobey so I did intentional sin that's willful we make a choice to do
that the second one is what I think a lot of people don't recognize and it ties into
the third but it stands alone on its own as well is omission this one would say
I know I should have but I didn't I know I should have stopped at the red
light but nobody was around so I did it now people would say that's a small thing
but you know that leads to more I know I should have reported this amount of income but I didn't
[Music] does that make it right
I know I should have prayed I should have given the gospel I should have
stayed away from these things but I chose not to submission
and the last one here is what I think a lot of people think they get a pass for is ignorance
and it says I didn't know let me just be so clear then you should
start finding out so many people in our culture today
claim that I didn't know I didn't know I didn't know you have all the things to
know what's right and wrong you're held accountable for that it is not satisfactory to say to God well I didn't
know I was supposed to win souls here comes the question why didn't you know
and it's one of two answers I didn't do the work to find out or God you didn't
tell me and I don't think the last one's valid
intentional omission and ignorance
and intentional is really I think the one that is you know way rampant we all want to do
that I mean Eve's sin was intentional Adam the same
Kane knew what he was doing when he slayed Abel now the boys
nadab and abihu that we looked at in Leviticus 10. it's questionable as to if
they knew what they were doing what they were doing was wrong even if it was ignorance still costs in their lives
still consequences oh well that's not fair you look at God and tell him it's not fair go ahead
you look at Jesus you look at the blood that he shed you look at that empty tomb and and you look at God and say that's
not fair [Music] because that's what we say
when we choose to just do whatever we want and sin a much sorer punishment and then the
last one of course ignorance I didn't know I didn't know but when I there there was a moment when
I went from eighth grade to ninth grade where I learned that ignorance doesn't cut it
and some of y'all remember this you go to eighth grade everything is kind of like you got like four periods
you know for you know English math science social studies whatever and
everything is pretty balanced you got you know your classes are large blocks of time and there's there's not a lot of
homework there's homework but you know then you get to high school and you have like eight periods
one of them is lunch we all love lunch right but in the other periods you have a full
semester worth of work and I don't know why I didn't learn but in every advanced placement class
that I was placed in there was a project due at the end of the semester well it was after the second nine weeks
and also at the end of the year I was expected to take an advanced placement uh class college level
um exam and I didn't do any other work
none of it I should have I had the syllabus I had the planner but there are many times I
would come into class with an assignment that was not done and I could not say
well I could say I didn't know but it wouldn't have been true because there's the planner with the syllabus and the
expectation sorry you should have known may I introduce
you to your syllabus this is your planner
you want to know what this book says there's an expectation for you
but I want to give you some reminder here that these verses do not talk about eternal separation from God for the
person who's put their trust in Jesus Christ so we're going to close in First Corinthians 11. let's go over there
to your left there first Corinthians chapter 11 we'll look in verse 29.
I think studies like what we're doing tonight help you
they help you not to judge others so quickly because there's a lot of things you need
to fix at least I'll just speak for myself I'm sure we could all get out our trusty
magnifying glass and look in the lives of everybody else but a nice solid diet of the word
puts the magnifying glass away and you begin to look internally and say what what things am I allowing in my life
you know Jesus talked about that you the speck in your brother's eye and
you've got a moat in yours and you say a moat is much larger than a speck
we go around if we're not careful and we judge everybody else knowing there's things in our life that we don't get
correct it's studies like this that close the mouth
and we start asking God for help we all know what it's like to struggle
with sin there's things that we don't want to do and we just we've got habits they got to be broken and that takes
some effort and time but be careful that you go this thing
that ain't sin need that look at this person let's condemn them careful
what happens when we go in your tent in the middle of the Earth in your tent what do we see
look in 29. for he that eateth and drinketh unworthily Edith and drinketh Damnation
to himself not Discerning the Lord's body for this cause many are weak and sickly among you and many sleep people
were dying in corins because they were abusing the Lord's Supper
for if we would judge ourselves we should not be judged but when we are judged we are chastened
of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world
there there is a there is a different kind of condemnation for those that are outside of Jesus Christ and that is in
hell but we who are in the body of Christ because we've put our trust in Jesus we face chastening
still not something that we should be like oh it's no big deal it's a
slap on the wrist I used to get these in seventh grade they were called conduct Cuts okay conduct cut was a disciplinary
like a demerit so to speak I had one teacher she loved to give him out that's all she said all the time
you didn't have your bell work in at the and I'm not kidding at the second five minutes passed after the bell rang
conduct cut she would pass them out they already had your name on him she was so ready
I don't remember her name but I remember her conduct cut conduct
cut all the time you'll get those conduct cuts you grow and you realize the things that
I need to change these things but God's not there you know without any love and compassion for you he's not
some you know sixth grade teacher that's clocking in and he's going to clock out he loves you
he's your father and because he has caring concern for
your well-being he will bring chastening in your life there's a purpose
supposed to refine you supposed to make you stronger he's not
just beating you because he's angry he's not just beating you because he regrets bringing you into the family
he's correcting because he loves you and he knows the consequences are dire by the way this is how serious it is to
serve God to earn rewards we we only have it in
this life if it didn't matter why would God discipline us why would he instruct us
to live soberly and and righteously in this wicked world there's got to be something to the
Judgment seat of Christ I'm not going to take my life as a Gamble and just find out when I get
there if it was worth it all I already know it will be
verse 33 wherefore my brethren when you come together to eat Terry one for another
and if any man hunger let him eat it home that when you come not together unto condemnation
and the rest will I send in order when I come and Paul was closing his thoughts there
on communion but it's important for us to see 32.
but when we are judged we are chastened of the Lord that we should not be condemned with the world
we're not condemned with the world those of us who have put a trust in Jesus Christ we're not going to hell
but we still will experience chastening so as the screen says as the scripture
says don't willfully sin and expect to get away from it and by the way every Bible teacher in my
college classes and pastors like Dr Lindstrom and Dr Arnold and many others I have not heard one of them teach or
promote a license to sin that you can live it up
and there'll be no consequence I've heard all of them say you can live as you please but you will not get away
with it and your life will be short you can go ahead and close your Bibles
now you go home and you read these passages and you start getting into commentaries and stuff and you're going
to see some some silly stuff right after all these are people who never really believed or no it's clear
that they were Sanctified from earlier in the passage I sat right when my mother-in-law is sitting the first year that I was pastoring I sat right where
she was and I argued with a guy for it had to be three hours he called me and he was so upset that
Yankee Arnold would teach the way he taught on Hebrews 10 and we went verse by verse and he's yelling
and it all came down to that word Sanctified he didn't have an answer now I regret the way that I behaved and
that I think I'm a lot more mature than that conversation but I'll tell you what people don't know
how to discern the word they let other people cut it up and feed it to them I want you to go home tonight and study
these things for yourself study the entire scriptural how can I do that in one night hey join the club
takes a whole lifetime to understand these things well no it doesn't take a whole lifetime
it takes a lifetime to learn how to practice them but it's important to recognize that God
for the ones who want to be obedient he's for you that doesn't mean you will be free of
chastening if we continue in that sin this hand is going to represent you and
me and my wallet represents our sin put on top of our my hand because for
all of sinning comes short of the glory of God the wages of sin is death Eternal separation from God forever in a place
called hell you have to be perfect to get to heaven no sin we all fall short God he loves us but he
hates our sin because it separates us from him many world religions teach people would say innocently I would say
it's from the devil just like ananias when he lied he he gave in to the devil
there many people think in deceivable doctrines that they can
work their way to Heaven by Good Works asking um you know turning from their sin asking
Jesus into their heart whatever it may be giving their life in service these things are noble but they don't save a
person because the wages of sin is death not good works this hand represents Jesus Christ God's
only begotten son and what Jesus did for us is he took our sin
and he paid for it on the cross of Calvary and he was buried and he rose again three days later to prove that the payment for sin was made and those of us
who believe and this is open to anybody that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but I've everlasting life
you put your trust in Jesus Christ you receive as a free gift right there in that moment everlasting life
let's go to the Lord in prayer heads about nicer closed if you're watching on the internet tonight I pray
right where you're sitting that you'd put your trust in Jesus Christ and in him alone once you're saved you're saved into eternity you'll never be brought
into condemnation you've been perfected forever
let us know send us an email leave a comment I'd love to Rejoice with you hedge about knives are so close for
those of you in the audience don't forget the two that trusted Christ this morning
don't forget your own life
and if you do have sin in your life that you're struggling with it's it's it's getting victory over you every single
day come talk to us about it talk to the Lord first
and confess it but there is such a thing as addiction
don't suffer in that alone the church leadership here is not in a
position to judge you or make you feel bad we want to bring you in light of the
truth my door is always open but friend greater than that
is first John 1 9. go to the Lord but don't live in that secret sin and
expect everything to be great there are consequences but thank God those consequences are not
eternal hell and that should make Us Praise Jesus father thank you for your word tonight I
pray that we come back here safely for our midweek service give us safety as we travel here and there in Jesus name we
pray amen

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