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10 months ago

Ten billion a year industry in the US alone


The Sound of Freedom was completed five years ago but Disney fought them in the courts to keep it from being released. Hollywood employs several convicted pedophiles. And mostly at Disney and Nickelodeon who specialize in children’s programming and have even re-hired pedophiles after they’ve served light sentences for raping child actors.

Hollywood has been abusing children since its inception. Including child actors of the 1930s such as Shirley Temple, Mickey Rooney, and Judy Garland, who wrote that she was constantly molested behind the scenes by powerful men including MGM co-founder Louis B. Mayer. And nothing has stopped Hollywood from continuing this horrific abuse.

It has been known for decades that governments have systemically abused children. Beginning in the nineteen-sixties the German government began placing thousands of foster children into the homes of single pedophiles. And continued doing it up until the nineteen-nineties.

Thousands of Catholic priests have been accused of raping children and no justice has ever come of it.

Jeffrey Epstein was targeting individuals and recording them raping children as a form of blackmail so that powerful entities could control them. Epstein has disappeared, and so has his little black book. Many have claimed that Hugh Hefner was doing the same thing for the C.I.A. that Epstein was doing. In 1976, Hefner’s Playboy magazine published erotic nude pictures of a ten-year-old girl. And nobody seemed to care.

The effects on these children can often be fatal, whether it’s from blunt trauma or suicide. And those who survive most often struggle with it for their entire life.

Child abuse has been used as a form of trauma-based mind control because it often forces the child to dissociate which has been known to create multiple personalities. MK-Ultra Whistle-blower Cathy O'Brien came from a family of multi-generational child abuse that sold her to the US government.

Some families practice incest and pedophilia to gain power and to maintain it. Inbred Jacob Rothschild explains it here while reading a quote from his inbred relative James Rothschild.

“In our family, we’ve always tried to keep love in the family. In this sense, it was more or less understood since childhood that children would never think of marrying outside the family so as our fortune would never leave it.” ~ James Mayer de Rothschild

Our entire system is profiting from child slavery. About ten billion dollars a year in the US alone. And our entire government seems to be involved. Congress has paid millions of our tax dollars to cover up their sex abuse crimes. Thousands of children are being trafficked across our southern border. And now it’s become trendy to castrate children and turn them into a so-called transgender. And if we the people don’t do something about this, then the blossoming surveillance state will have a solution. Don’t be surprised if our children are soon monitored twenty-four-seven under the guise of keeping them safe because we have failed to do so.

While we can not expect to rid the earth of all evil, something obviously needs to be done.

We must not allow our emotions to blind us from logic and reason



Many good-hearted people have strong emotions about the environment. And their emotions are so strong that they have been manipulated by a corrupt government to castrate themselves and castrate their own children to save the Earth from climate change. This should teach us something about our emotions. They can blind us from logic and reason. And we all have them.

This report is not a critique of the film, the Sound of Freedom. I saw this film and I appreciate that it is bringing awareness to a subject that I personally have very strong emotions about. This report is about a clear red flag that people should be aware of so that we don’t allow our emotions to blind us from logic and reason.

According to MK-Ultra whistle-blowers the CIA acquired children for Project Monarch by cataloging child pornography sent through the US mail. And the only thing that’s changed since then, is that the world has gone digital.

The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, or the NCMEC, went international in 1999. The ICMEC was launched by Hillary Clinton and Tony Blair, with Richard Branson acting as a founding sponsor. It is now partnered with law enforcement in over a hundred and fifty territories including Interpol and Europol.

In 2009 the Clinton Global Initiative partnered with the Polaris Project and by 2014 they created a “Global Modern Day Slavery” database of organizations in 199 countries to monitor human trafficking.

Also in 2009, Amber Ready, Inc., selected the Podesta Group, the infamous pedophile art collectors of the Wikileaks Podesta email scandal, to be their PR company where they were responsible for promoting Amber Ready’s cell phone technology which created a database of children so that if they were ever abducted, their information was already on file.

Once this child database syndicate was launched, human trafficking increased. Within nine years the human trafficking industry went from around thirty billion dollars a year to a hundred and fifty billion dollars a year. Nearly all child pornography is processed and stored within this framework on foreign servers in Sweden. In 2014 President Obama assigned the task of how to manage this gathered intelligence data to John Podesta.

The Clintons, the Podestas, and their friends are demonstrably involved in the criminal side of child sex trafficking. If this is news to you I recommend my report from 2019; Are the Clintons Involved in Human Trafficking? Which is based on the well-researched article by Corey Digs. And it is this group who manages and runs Polaris, the ICMEC, and the NCMEC. And these are the same groups that Angel Studios, producers of the Sound of Freedom, are directing people to as a way to combat child trafficking.

The billionaire who has been funding Tim Ballard’s operation is Carlos Slim. Who has also funded Hillary Clinton and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

And if you believe that the Democrats are the problem, then I recommend you look into the Franklin Cover-up and the Bohemian Grove. Pedophilia is how the hidden hand controls their puppet politicians.

Awareness of this horrific problem is good. And perhaps Angel Studios is unaware of who they are promoting. But if we think that the same NGOs whose efforts increased the child sex trade by 500% will somehow end child sex slavery, then maybe we are too emotional to think clearly. And that’s a problem. Because this same cabal is pushing a totalitarian surveillance state, they are already pushing the idea of micro-chipping your children, to keep them safe. And without logic and reason, the people will demand it. And our children will be more enslaved than ever.

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