Peaceful protest for Assange's liberation in London, 24 June 2023

1 year ago

The activist Matt Ó Branáin speaks up for Assange during a London peaceful protest standing on the free chair of the sculpture "Anything to say?".
"Anything to say" is an itinerant sculpture representing Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden on three chairs. The installation also includes a free chair where people can stand up and speak. The work of art by Davide Dormino was in London on that day (24 June 2023), and the artist was also there, in Parliament Square. The Don't Extradite Assange activists as well as the Committee to Defend Julian Assange joined Davide Dormino to peacefully protest against Julian Assange's extradition.
The sculpture by Davide Dormino allows the public to use their right to free speech, but also has another symbolic meaning. Namely, the fact of standing up on the free chair represents the possibility to look beyond what is shown to the public, searching for the truth.

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